Chapter 398: Sweet green plums (47)

Chapter 398 Green plum sweet and sweet (47)

Jiang Lihuan found his mobile phone from Chacha's pocket and made a call.

put the phone in her pocket again.

"You are at the same table and need to go to the hospital."

he reminded in a low voice.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

He didn't like her tablemate very much.

There are many things to do.

But there is no way, the little girl cares about the same table, um, helping each other is a good quality.

Cha Cha nodded and turned to look at Fu Yang and An Wei.

Then she found out... that An Wei's idiot was still talking to Fu Yang.

Fu Yang still isolates himself from the world, like a puppet, can't speak, and doesn't have any emotions.

Chacha, "...Anwei, you take Fu Yang to the hospital first, and when Jiang Lihuan settles the matter here, we'll go to the hospital to find you."

An Wei finally came to his senses, looked at Cha Cha with red eyes, and nodded.

He stretched out his hand and tugged at Fu Yang, "..." Oh, Fu Yang is a puppet now, and he won't pay attention to him or respond to him.

Anwei pondered for a few seconds.

picked up Fu Yang and carried the person on his back.

Chacha hugged Jiang Lihuan for a while, and stared blankly at An Wei carrying Fu Yang.

There are a few more indescribable emotions in his eyes.

When Anwei passed by the little girl, he said a little embarrassedly, "Tea, Brother Cha? Can you call a cab for you?"

Cha Cha nodded dully, "...Okay."

So, can you still play like this?

Did Jiang Lihuan carry her back?

never carried it.

woo, secretly envy Fu Yang.

"I've just called, I'll be there in a while, wait a second."

The boy's voice was cold, as usual.

His tenderness is revealed only when he looks at the little girl in his arms.

Anwei thanked him repeatedly with a complicated expression.

I didn't expect that Jiang Lihuan would arrange it so thoughtfully.

heard the words.

Chacha moved again in Jiang Lihuan's arms, looking up at him, as if he suddenly thought of something.

she asked.

"Then if the car comes, can we go to the hospital together? Then let your people handle the rest? We don't have to stay here and handle it ourselves?"

The little girl is very good and very soft.

Wet eyes are too seductive.

If   Jiang Lihuan objected, he really couldn't say it.

had to hold back his emotions and nodded, "Well, let's go to the hospital together..."

Did she care too much about her roommate?

The cold brows and eyes were dyed a bit harsh.

Chacha didn't notice Jiang Lihuan's expression, but stared straight at An Wei.

An Wei could sense the straightforward eyes of the little girl even when he was carrying Fu Yang on his back. In addition, he even keenly sensed that the coldness on Jiang Lihuan seemed to be a little deeper.

He had to sigh in his heart, and then asked with that cold gaze.

"Tea, Brother Cha, what are you, what have you been looking at me for?"

One sentence stumbling.

The little girl nestled in Jiang Lihuan's arms, tangled for a while, and said.

"I... I think you're a bit stupid... The car hasn't come yet, why don't you put Fu Yang down first? Are you going to wait for the car with Fu Yang on your back?"

Don't you feel tired?

Anwei, "..."

Jiang Lihuan lowered his eyes, a little more smile in his eyes.

His little girl, what a treasure.

wrapped the hand around her waist, and unconsciously exerted a little strength.

circled the person in his arms again.

Cha Cha didn't notice it, and from time to time he turned around in his arms.

turned around a few times, the little girl suddenly pulled Jiang Lihuan's hand away, and instead pulled him and trotted a few steps in the direction of Fu An.

"You guys, go squat in the corner and be honest!"


See you tonight

(end of this chapter)