Chapter 399: Sweet green plums (48)

Chapter 399 Green plum sweet and sweet (48)

Cha Cha gave Fu An a fierce look.

After staring.

I felt something was wrong.

She quickly and cleverly hugged Jiang Lihuan's arm.

looks soft and well-behaved.

Fu An, "..."

You are such a little devil, you are so embarrassed to act cute.


Unfortunately, Jiang Lihuan also hugged the person in his arms and coaxed him, "Don't be afraid."

The voice is soft and outrageous.

Fu An secretly glanced at Jiang Lihuan as if he had seen a ghost.

After confirming that Jiang Lihuan was indeed the same Jiang Lihuan, he was shocked.

This little devil actually got Jiang Lihuan?

What about the cool boy?

To be with such a ruthless and fierce little devil...

Fu An lowered her head and was still thinking about other things, completely unaware that her own danger was coming.


The housekeeper of the Jiang family appeared in front of Chacha with someone.

Cha Cha was taken aback.

is a little confused.

reached out and pulled Jiang Lihuan's hem, and asked him softly.

"Didn't the housekeeper travel with grandpa? Why are you here?"

The butler paused and glanced at his young master subconsciously.

for a moment.

The housekeeper made an excuse for himself.

"The old man was worried that the young master and the young lady were at home, so he asked me to come back and have a look. I didn't expect this to happen.

The next thing, I will handle it, you two can rest assured. "

Cha Cha nodded, "I see."

sounds like there is no problem.

Anwei sent Fu Yang to the car, and sat on it himself.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha also got on the bus.

was grabbed by Jiang Lihuan.

The little girl opened her eyes wide and looked at him puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Lihuan glanced at Anwei in the car, "Go and sit in the co-pilot."

Anwei, "???"

He was stunned for a moment, but he understood in seconds.

Immediately get out of the car and sit in the passenger seat.

"..." Don't you just want to sit with his brother tea?

Alas, the cold-blooded department said, probably they were all blind before, obviously they were not cold anywhere.

Various routines…

It is only the little cutie like Brother Cha that will be turned around by Jiang Lihuan's routine.

Fu Yang is still the same, his eyes are empty.

Chacha got into the car, looked at it and looked at it, and couldn't stand it any longer.

simply leaned over, slammed the palm down, knocked the person unconscious, and was neat and tidy.

An Wei, "...tea, tea brother?" He was stunned.

The little girl explained solemnly, "If he is like this, he might as well just pass out."

Empty eyes, who knows what's going on in his head?

Directly knocked unconscious, you will definitely not think about anything.

Anwei nodded, and what he said seemed to make sense.


Jiang Lihuan, who was next to the little girl, turned black.

With a dark face, he hugged the little girl to his lap and warned in a low voice, "Don't move."

Chacha was confused.

looked at him blankly, "I didn't move! I just hit Fu Yang..." He didn't do anything else.

The little girl's wet eyes were full of doubts.

Jiang Lihuan, "Did you forget to promise me anything?"

Agree not to fight?

Dare to do this under his nose?

There is no taboo at all.

Chacha thought for a while, then his little hands tugged at the hem of his clothes, and then slumped his little head, his whole body was full of grievances.

Chacha, "I'm not fighting!"

Jiang Lihuan, "Huh? Are you sure?"

's slightly picky voice landed on Cha Cha's ear, feeling a sense of danger inexplicably.

Anwei in the front row closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Sorry, in this case, it would be better for him to pretend to be asleep and seek peace.

Really... Jiang Lihuan's aura is too terrifying!


Four shifts, there should be three or four shifts today~

(end of this chapter)