Chapter 405: Sweet green plums (54)

Chapter 405 Green plum sweet and sweet (54)

Cha Cha was silent.

She found that when Jiang Lihuan was cold, he was really cold.

But now, when you are shameless, you are really shameless!

His face was so angry that he ran away from home.

The moist eyes rolled.

She thought about it for a while, but still felt that Jiang Lihuan was too much, she was reluctant to fight, and she couldn't talk about him, then...

"You close your eyes."

Jiang Lihuan nodded, "Okay."

He closed his eyes, his hands still clasping the little girl's waist.

Cha Cha lowered his eyes to look, and his eyes fell on his beautiful collarbone.

She was almost led astray by him.

The girl just called, she still remembers!

The little girl was heartbroken, she gritted her teeth, and pinpointed his collarbone accurately.

Then, he took a bite and went down.

After biting.

Chacha glanced at his teeth and seal with satisfaction.

Well, stamp it, it will be hers from now on.

"Open your eyes," she said softly.

The boy slowly opened his eyes.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Chacha always feels that Jiang Lihuan is not the same as just now.

Those eyes darkened a lot.

The little girl tilted her head and asked him, "What's the matter with you?"

She didn't realize how destructive her actions just now were.

Jiang Lihuan restrained his emotions, as if he couldn't control it, he freed one hand, clasped her head, and bit down...

for a long time.

The boy wrapped around the little girl's waist and walked from the stairs to the hospital corridor.

At that time, An Wei was sitting there in a daze.

Hearing footsteps, he looked over.

And then see...

His soft tea brother blushes into Jiang Lihuan's arms.

"..." Accidentally, he saw Jiang Lihuan's neck, the teeth, the seal.

is more than one place.

In an instant, Anwei made up piles of scraps in his head...

I can't tell that his brother tea not only beats people very fiercely, but even bites... he seems to be quite fierce?

He silently withdrew his gaze, as if I knew nothing and saw nothing. I am a transparent person, please ignore me.

When necessary, I can be the air.

Jiang Lihuan, "The housekeeper should be here soon. When the time comes, he will take care of the next thing and someone will take care of Fu Yang. I'll take Chacha back first."

An Wei nodded dully, "Okay."

Forgot to say thank you.

He didn't expect that Jiang Lihuan could say so much in one breath...

is really rare!

An Wei thought for a moment, probably... Maybe Jiang Lihuan was in a good mood at the moment.

Jiang Lihuan glanced at the little girl in his arms.

"Let's go back now, okay?"


You've finished speaking, and are you asking me now?

Can I still stay in the hospital without leaving?

The little girl snorted displeasedly, "I'm running out of strength."

Jiang Lihuan's eyebrows flashed, "Hmm."

In the next second, the person will be picked up horizontally.

's body was in the air, and the little girl's hands subconsciously wrapped around his neck.

"Jiang Lihuan!" She glared at him.

Jiang Lihuan was righteous, "Aren't you tired? I'll take you back."

The little girl gave such a good opportunity, and he is not stupid, so he will not easily miss it. When it is time to seize it, he must seize it.

When there are no can also create opportunities appropriately.

chacha, “…”

Anwei turned his head to the side wisely.

I thought to myself, these two are going to go back, and I haven't forgotten to stuff him with dog food... Alas, the world is getting worse and worse!


An Wei seemed to hear Jiang Lihuan's voice, "If you feel embarrassed, you can bury your head and pretend to sleep..."

Chacha, "Shut up! Don't talk!"

Anwei, "..." Countless knives were stabbed in his heart.

(end of this chapter)