Chapter 406: Sweet green plums (55)

Chapter 406 Green plum sweet and sweet (55)

Fu Yang was beaten by Fu An and entered the hospital.

soon spread in the school.

Especially, Fu Yang's situation is very serious.

After Anwei got the hospital's medical certificate, he took a photo and uploaded it to the school forum.

Together, Fu Yang's injuries were photographed and uploaded together.

The scars are shocking.

Who would have guessed that Fu Yang and Fu An are still brothers?

Even if it is a housework, but the matter has developed to such a point that it cannot be solved by a single housework.

This incident not only aroused the attention of everyone in the school, but also became more and more noisy on the forum.

Some people got angry and stabbed the matter to the media, and the incident could not stop fermenting.

When Fu An's father and mother knew, it was too late.

Public opinion is simply out of control.

Moreover, Fu An is now sent to the bureau.

Mother Fu hurriedly contacted and asked for help.

However, as soon as many people heard her voice, they either hung up the phone, said a few words, or they didn't answer the phone.

I have a little contact with the Fu family.

Who doesn't know that the current Mrs. Fu is a junior third?

Things in the circle are inherently complicated.

Even if some people look down on this person, they will not say it on the surface, and they will maintain a superficial relationship.

But now, what did your son do?

Your mother is a third child, are you still so arrogant?

To put it bluntly, if you don't succeed in the upper ranks, isn't it a shameless wild species?

Now it's good, he actually beat up a serious child into the hospital, and the injuries on his body are shocking.

Even Fu Yang had a mental problem.

The trouble is so big, no one will be affected by this kind of thing at such a time.

Even if you really don't want to see that child, you always have to do some superficial work.

Even if you really treat people harshly, you can't beat them to death!

for a while.

The Fu family became the target of public criticism.

Finally, Fu An's father found someone with a bit of say.

Unpredictable, people told him directly that someone intervened in this matter in advance, and Fu An would have to be sent to squat for a few years.

Fu An's father was stunned on the spot.

Mother Fu even burst into tears. She is just such a child. If something really happened, what would you do?

The man reminded Fu An's father politely again. If there is time, it is better to ask carefully who is behind Fu Yang's help.

Fu An's father thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't imagine that Fu Yang could be related to any powerful person.

He and Mother Fu discussed it for a long time.

Finally, I went to the hospital where Fu Yang was.

But he didn't want to, he didn't see Fu Yang's figure at all, and was kicked out.

As soon as the two of them inquired, they found out that the hospital belonged to the Jiang family.

The Jiang family?

Which Jiang family could there be in City A?

But the question is, how could Fu Yang have anything to do with the Jiang family?

The two were at a loss for understanding, but in desperation, they had to go to the school again, planning to ask about the situation at the school...


When the two of them went to school.

Just in time for school.

Before    walked in, he was surrounded by a group of students and parents.

Students' parents are more concerned about school affairs, so many people know about Fu Yang's incident.

"Come here, look, this woman became a stepmother and let her son beat the children of her husband's ex-wife to death!"

"Everyone was sent to the hospital, and they still have the face to come to school!"

"...What kind of father is this? If you don't want to raise a child, then let the child go. How can you just watch the child be beaten like that?"

(end of this chapter)