Chapter 416: Sweet green plums (65)

Chapter 416 Green plum sweet and sweet (65)

Chacha opened his mouth and couldn't think of what to say for a long time.

The old man seems to have gotten something.

looks complicated for a few seconds.

immediately closed his eyes, as if I was sleepwalking at this moment, turned around and walked elsewhere.

chacha, “…”

In fact, sleepwalking is still pretty good.

Although...the old man pretending to be sleepwalking doesn't look like it, but in order to avoid her embarrassment, she tried so hard to pretend to be sleepwalking, and she was very moved!

The little girl hurried back to her room, washed and changed clothes.

When    went downstairs, Jiang Lihuan was already sitting there.

Cha Cha quickly swept around, except for him, there was no one else, a pair of short legs jumped towards Jiang Lihuan.

Both hands shook his shoulders vigorously.

"Why didn't you tell me that Grandpa is back!"

The little girl's wet eyes were full of resentment.

What a shame!

She walked out of Jiang Lihuan's room, ahhhh! What will the old man think when he walks out of his room in the morning?

The young man with a smile on his face held the little girl half-hanging on him in his arms and comforted softly.

"Damn, I just found out that he came back."

Cha Cha, "... Then what should we do?"

Jiang Lihuan reached out and rubbed her little head, "It's okay, grandpa will only think I'm not a human..."

Chacha, "???"

Young man, why do I feel proud of you saying this?

You, you, you, you are not human, are you still complacent?

The little girl gave him a cold snort, "It was your problem!"

If he had to make up the class yesterday, would he have run into the old man today?


If he hadn't attacked her yesterday, would she have come out of his room today?



It's still his problem!

The young man sighed helplessly as he watched the little girl break her fingers and count his crimes.

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk about the rest at school."

Cha Cha, "... OK."


Grade 3 and 5 of high school.

Chacha glanced at the learning materials piled up in front of him, and his heart was complicated.

This was the information the teacher gave her on the first day she came to school. She glanced at it and stuffed it elsewhere.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lihuan turned it over again and put it in front of her again.

The little girl glanced at him resentfully, with complicated eyes: I agreed to let her count his crimes at school?

How can you put a pile of study materials in front of her?


"There is an exam next week, do you want to be last?" he asked.

The little girl thought for a moment and shook her head.

Jiang Lihuan gently persuaded her, "Then read the book carefully. If you make progress, I will prepare a huge reward for you."

Wu Liuliu rolled his eyes, Cha Cha seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Jiang Lihuan, aren't you the No. 1 in your grade? Next week's exam, I'm going to grab your No. 1! You have to be careful!"

Jiang Lihuan laughed and nodded with great cooperation, "Okay, I'll be careful."

Chacha didn't care about his cooperation, and opened the study materials on his own.

This time, it was a lot more serious.

Just turned a few pages.

The little girl suddenly laughed.

"Jiang Lihuan? Did you think of me wrong the first time you saw me?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then his lips curled slightly, "You just know?"

Cha Cha, "Hmm."

The handwriting on these learning materials, if you look carefully, you will find that it is the same as Jiang Lihuan's handwriting.

It's just that the font on the study materials is Xingkai, and the font on his book is Kai.

Plus, she didn't turn over the study materials very much.

This caused the little girl to discover this problem only now.

The sun is just right outside the window.

In the classroom.

The sweet and soft little girl, her eyes are full of smiles.

(end of this chapter)