Chapter 417: Sweet green plums (66)

Chapter 417 Green plum sweet and sweet (66)

An Wei and Fu Yang have been planning to find an opportunity to thank Cha Cha and Jiang Lihuan.

Never mind.

is often not close.

was scared away by Jiang Lihuan's icy look.

this day.

Anwei finally found a chance.

While Jiang Lihuan was going out to the bathroom, he got close to Cha Cha.


An Wei was stunned.

His tea brother is reading very seriously!

"Tea, Brother Cha? Are you alright?" He called weakly.

Chacha glanced at him lightly, his eyes full of disgust, where did he see that she was in trouble?

Of course she's fine! She is fine now.

She loves to learn and learn to love her.

Seeing the little girl continue reading, An Wei was even more confused.

thought: It's over.

After sitting with Jiang Lihuan, his brother Cha's little head became more and more difficult to use.

She actually reads books?

An Wei thought for a while, and then asked a question uneasy.

"Brother Cha? Are you sure you're all right?"

Cha Cha put down the book and looked up at him, "Of course I'm fine, it's you, Anwei, who is going to take the exam next week, if you fail the exam, you'll lose face. As my little brother, not only do you have to There will be fights, and the academic performance will have to keep up.

So, starting today, you and Fu Yang will stay together to make up a lot of lessons! "

Anwei looked confused, "???"

It wasn't until he walked back to his position dizzy that he realized what Chacha meant after a long while.


In the future, he will study hard with Brother Cha?

No no no, he is not suitable for learning this kind of thing.

Still forget it.

Let Brother Cha enjoy it by himself...

He looked at Fu Yang with a sad face, as if he would burst into tears in the next second...

He was so miserable.

He just wanted to say thank you, but he was about to be forced to go down the road of no return to study?

School is over today.

The   bell just rang.

An Wei grabbed Fu Yang, who was at a loss, and planned to run away.

However, his speed is not faster than his tea brother.

The little girl blocked the door with a fierce face, and waved her small fist in his direction.

was so frightened that An Wei immediately dragged Fu Yang back to his original position.

Chacha, "Be obedient, take out the book, and go home after finishing today's homework!"

Anwei, "..."

Fu Yang, "..."

What did we do wrong?

Jiang Lihuan chuckled lightly, walked over and wrapped the little girl in his arms, "Have you finished your homework?"

Cha Cha looked proud, "!!! I'm done!"

Jiang Lihuan, "Huh? So powerful?"

Chacha, "Of course, I said that I want to win the first place with you, then I will definitely win the first place with you!"

Learning this kind of thing is not difficult for her.

is just a matter of learning or not.

She will study hard, and naturally she will not be troubled.

But, since she wants to study hard, she has to lead her little brother.

Chacha glanced at An Wei and Fu Yang who were sitting there doing their homework with satisfaction, and patted Jiang Lihuan's shoulder in a good mood.

"Let's go home."

An Wei raised his eyes sharply.

The little girl glanced at him at the right time, "You guys go back after you finish your homework, remember to take a picture and send it to Jiang Lihuan after you finish your homework, I'll check it!"

Anwei + Fu Yang, "..."


After this day.

The students in Class 5 all knew one thing.

The new classmate with fierce milk not only has to compete with Jiang Lihuan for the first place, but also threatens his younger brother to study hard...

Damn, what kind of peerless cutie is this? ? ?

Please get me one! ! !


See you tonight

(end of this chapter)