Chapter 434: The president's heart has white moonlight (9) seven more

Chapter 434 The president has a white moonlight in his heart (9) Seventh shift

Huo Qiudeng pulled back his thoughts.

Gently watched Yan Qingmeng for a while.

"Don't talk nonsense, take care of it."

He looked gentle, and then, as if he had made a decision, he added, "Tomorrow, I will take you back to the main house."

Yan Qingmeng's eyes flashed slightly, "Will it be bad?"

Seeing this, Huo Qiudeng comforted a few more words.

"You just need to stand beside me quietly, and I'll take care of the rest."

Yan Qingmeng lowered her head, and the corners of her lips slowly drew a smile.

As long as she thought that Huo Qiudeng would take her to the main house, she was a little excited.

Who would have thought that Huo Qiu Lantern Festival is a member of the famous Huo family in City A?

If you didn't know it by accident.

She wouldn't shoot Huo Qiudeng either.

Fortunately...I got everything I wanted.


The next day.

Cha Cha was drowsy and was woken up by the ringtone of the mobile phone.

She pressed the answer, without looking at her phone, she asked blankly, "Who is it?"

There was a roar from the other end of the phone.

"Yan Cha, where did you die! Come to the hospital to serve your sister and make up for your mistakes!"

Cha Cha instantly woke up most of the time.

She sat up from the bed, glanced at the caller ID, oh, the original owner's mother.

The little girl ignored the roar of the person on the other end of the phone.

hung up the phone and blocked.

By the way, even Father Yan, Yan Qingmeng, Huo Qiudeng...the contact information of these people, all of them are blocked.

And in the hospital ward.

Mother Yan was so angry that she hung up the phone. She called again and found that she might have been blocked.

So I looked for Father Yan's phone again...still couldn't get through.

Yan Qingmeng coughed twice.

"Why don't you use my cell phone to call."

After half a minute.

The three of them were dumbfounded.

"???" She blocked the three of them's phone calls? ? ?

Is this something that little nerd can do?

Father Yan shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, don't be angry about something irrelevant, Qing Meng is going to see his family with Qiu Deng today, and before Qiu Deng comes to pick her up, prepare first..."

The Swallow Mother scolded a few words, and then started to act.

Chacha got up from the bed, took a shower, and left the room.

She found that Huo Qing was already sitting on the sofa.

The little girl ran over and leaned over to look at him, "Do you get up so early every day?"

Huo Qing glanced at her with an indifferent expression, "Well."

Chacha, "???"

Always feel weird.

Seeing that he didn't say anything else, the little girl sat silently on the sofa beside him.

Then he pulled out a packet of small snacks from his pocket.

Tear open the package calmly.

What kind of temper do you have?

Anyway, I have small snacks.

Huo Qing glanced at the little girl's movements from the corner of his eye, and the indifference on his face was a little shaken, "..."

Didn't you see he was angry?

Didn't you see that he was unhappy?

Why not ask him what happened?

It was probably because his peripheral vision was a little unhappy, Cha Cha paused for a moment, and looked up at him in astonishment, just as the eyes of the two collided slightly.

The little girl tilted her head, looked at him suspiciously, looked at the snacks in her hand, and asked inexplicably, "Do you want to eat snacks?"

Huo Qing, "...don't eat."

He dropped two words coldly, and turned his head to stop looking at her.

Chacha, "..." is inexplicable.

I'm going to hold my little snack tightly.

Ignore the man with strange emotions.


Seventh shift, see you tonight~

(end of this chapter)