Chapter 435: The president's heart has white moonlight (10) eight more

Chapter 435 The President Has White Moonlight (10) Eighth-shift

When the little girl started to open the fourth bag of snacks.

Huo Qing's face darkened uncontrollably.

He was displeased, "Put the snacks down."

The little girl gave him a look.

Put down the small snacks.

Then he slowly took out a few contracts from his pocket and shook them in front of him.

"You can't stop me from having a snack."

After shaking the contract, with round and white fingertips, he carefully put the contract away and put it back in his pocket.

Huo Qing's face darkened, "..."

What mess?

He stood up with a dark face and went upstairs without saying a word.

The surrounding servants shivered.

The little girl holding the snack, tilted her head and glanced at the inexplicable Huo Qing, thinking: Fortunately, I have a contract.

Qiqi, [Yeah, yeah, Chacha is awesome! 】

Seeing that Huo Qing was not happy, he was so happy!

After a while, the assistant came over, keenly aware that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, he glanced at the trembling servant, walked over and asked a few questions.

After two minutes.

The assistant    trembled all over.

I always feel that I seem to have found the reason why Mr. Huo is unhappy.

When he saw the information yesterday, he was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect the little girl to have a relationship with Young Master Huo.

Alas, this thing... is really messed up.

He shook his head, always feeling that there would be a bloodbath later.

Chacha ate some snacks for a long time.

didn't see Huo Qing coming down again.

She looked at the assistant with some doubts.

"Why didn't Huo Qing come down!" she asked.

If Huo Qing can't get down, he can't cook. Obviously, the servants in the villa are all looking at Huo Qing's face.

If he doesn't eat breakfast, wouldn't she also starve with him?

The assistant was stunned for a moment, then he smiled, "If you go upstairs to call him, I believe the president will come down to eat with you."

Chacha looked at the assistant, and seeing that he didn't look like a joke, she nodded.

"Then I'll go up and call him now."

The little girl went upstairs with joy, knocked on the door and entered Huo Qing's room.

When Huo Qing saw her.

's eyes lit up slightly, and he was quickly suppressed by him.

He said blankly, "What are you doing?"

Chacha thought about it, for her own breakfast, she could endure his cold face for three minutes!

After she finished her breakfast, she kicked people again!

Yes, that's it.

The little girl walked over with a smile, "I'll call you to eat."

Huo Qing still looked indifferent, "Oh."

Chacha took another step forward, for breakfast, she can say something nice!

"If you don't eat breakfast, it's not good for your body. Even if there is something unhappy, you can't live with your body!"

The little girl's voice was very soft, and there was concern everywhere.

Huo Qing, who had an indifferent face, instantly looked like a big bad wolf being groomed.

His expression softened a bit, "So, are you caring about me?"

Chachawu's eyes rolled and nodded, "Yes, I'm concerned about you!"

She leaned over and reached out to pull at the hem of his clothes.

wanted to drag people downstairs.

That moment.

All of Huo Qing's displeasure dissipated most of it.

Although I still feel very angry after thinking about it, but now is not the time to care.

The little girl is so soft, she reluctantly has a meal with her first.

After a while, I returned to the main house, and then slowly settled the accounts.

Cha Cha took Huo Qing downstairs.

The assistant    took a quick look and sighed to himself that the appearance of the little girl really changed a lot of things.

When the CEO was angry, no one dared to get close.

How can I be coaxed by the little girl in a few minutes like now...

(end of this chapter)