Chapter 474: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (49)

Chapter 474 The President Has White Moonlight (49)

After breakfast.

Huo Qing's company had something to do, so he asked his assistant to go to class with him.

In this regard, Chacha has long been used to it.

Anyway, if the assistant followed, she could be a little more free.

Just got in the car.

Huo Qing suddenly reminded him, "Take care of class, you can contact me directly if you have anything, there is no need to always take the assistant's cell phone..."

Chacha's moist eyes blinked, looking at him innocently.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

How can I use my assistant's phone to pretend to be my assistant and talk to you?


Obviously the mobile phone was handed over by the assistant himself.

Huo Qing smiled and set his eyes on the assistant, who immediately looked away, "..." I don't know anything, I'm a transparent person.

He shook his head, full of helplessness.

"Go to class."

in the car.

Chacha unpacked the small snacks, took another pack of small snacks and handed them to the assistant.

The assistant    sighed, "Is this a bribe?"

If Mr. Huo knew that he had received the snacks, he would have taken them away without hesitation...

Then turn over the vinegar jar again.

Chacha, "Hey, he didn't follow him, it's just a bag of snacks, how can it be considered a bribe?"


Chacha, "By the way, lend me your cell phone."

The little girl rolled her eyes with a hint of cunning.

Assistant thought for a while, then handed over the phone, "..." Although I know you are trying to trick me, but... I have to accept the trick.

can't make you unhappy.

The president said, I will follow you.

"..." I'm so hard.

Cha Cha took the phone, his black eyes full of smiles.

As always, she entered the school, then found the last seat and sat down, with the assistant sitting next to her.

The round and white fingertips returned the phone to the assistant.

The assistant    took it with a smile. After three seconds, the assistant was stunned.

“???” No, no power? Auto shut down?

He looked at the future young lady in astonishment.

Cha Cha said softly, "Hey, don't look at me like that, your phone is out of battery, Huo Qing can't ask you about my study status, isn't it good?"

The    assistant's expression changed, but in the end he couldn't hold back.

Slowly took out a spare phone from another pocket.

"Before I came, the president asked me to always carry a spare phone in case my phone ran out of power..."

Cha Cha, "..."

Can she fly back and pull Huo Qing out and beat him?

Can you guess that?

She pouted and opened the book reluctantly.

Then he took his assistant to take a photo of her studying hard, and then quickly sent it to Huo Qing.

Assistant   , "..." Hey, I always feel like I'm not here to accompany the class, I'm here to eat dog food.

Huo Qing was in a good mood when he saw the photos sent.

The little girl has a side face like jade, delicate and beautiful.

It seems that he still needs to come by himself in the future for such things as accompanying the class, so he can't afford an assistant.

Chacha is holding a small snack, as long as Huo Qing asks the assistant how she is studying.

She immediately put down the snacks, put on a correct attitude, asked the assistant to take a picture, and then sent it.

The morning passed.

Huo Qing's mobile phone is full of pictures of the little girl's 'serious class'...


The    assistant looked at the photos in the phone.

He always felt that... the president was not urging study, but deliberately deceiving photos.

Ah! scheming!


Huo Qing: One, two, three...a lot of photos of my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law is so good, she took the initiative to send photos!

(end of this chapter)