Chapter 475: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (50)

Chapter 475 The President Has White Moonlight (50)

Huo Qing has about a busy day.

When Cha Cha was going to have lunch with his assistant.

happened to bump into someone at the door of the classroom.

An acquaintance - Yan Qingmeng.

Long time no see.

Yan Qingmeng's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, which was different from the confident look before, as if he had been hit hard.

Cha Cha stared at her for a while, not interested in whether Yan Qing Meng was doing well.

She turned sideways and crossed Yan Qingmeng.

No need to waste time on unimportant people.

For Cha Cha, she didn't even want to give Yan Qingmeng a look.

partial birth.

Yan Qingmeng came to look for Chacha.

Seeing that Cha Cha was leaving, she quickly turned around and called to stop Cha Cha, "Stop! Yan Cha, I have something to tell you!"

Her eyes were full of hatred.

Since separating from Huo Qiudeng.

Her life is getting more and more unsatisfactory, no matter what she does, she fails to succeed.

Originally, she thought that without Huo Qiudeng, she could find another better person.


As it turns out, it’s really hard to find.

He is more handsome than Huo Qiudeng, he doesn't have the money and background.

Those who have money and backgrounds than Huo Qiu Lan... don't exist at all...

The Huo family is almost the top wealthy family in City A. There are only a handful of people who can be richer than the Huo family.

In the school, it is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with Huo Qiudeng, let alone another rich young master?

is just wishful thinking...

Soon, Yan Qingmeng was attacked by reality.

She tried to turn back and reconcile with Huo Qiudeng.

But this time, she couldn't contact Huo Qiudeng. She went to Huo Qiudeng's classroom. Many people said that Huo Qiudeng had not come to class for a long time.

No way, she ran to the apartment near Huo Qiudeng School again.

The apartment, he never went back.

That is to say…

Huo Qiu Deng is probably in the main house of the Huo family.

The main house of the Huo family, of course she couldn't enter.

She squatted near the main house of the Huo family for two days, only to find out that Huo Qing and Cha Cha did not live in the main house, which also made her more sure that Huo Qiudeng was in the main house.

Unfortunately, I didn't wait for anyone.

Finally, just when she was about to despair, she waited until Huo Qiudeng appeared this morning.

She rushed up and begged Huo Qiudeng to forgive.

However, Huo Qiudeng told her indifferently that he was going abroad.

After leaving, I won't come back for a few years...

This fact was like a bolt from the blue, she couldn't accept it at all.

The two were entangled for a while, she was pulled away by the people in the main house, and she watched Huo Qiudeng get into the car, getting further and further away from her until she disappeared from her sight.

Yan Qingmeng couldn't bear the blow.

The whole person walked to Chacha's classroom in a trance.

Unexpectedly, Huo Qing was not by her side.

I didn't come to accompany Chacha to class.

Yan Qingmeng suddenly flashed some information in his mind.

She caught it accurately and planned to say it.

She separated from Huo Qiudeng, why is her sister still with Huo Qing?

Especially, after she saw the diamond ring on Chacha's hand, her whole person was not well, and she almost fell into an irrational state.

Cha Cha stopped and looked back at her, "I don't know you well, so I have nothing to say to you."

Yan Qingmeng glanced at the students who came to watch the play.

This time is just right.

She took a step forward, looked ironically at Cha Cha who was about to leave, and said sharply.

"Do you think Huo Qing really likes you? You're just a substitute! Huo Qing already has someone else in his heart, and it's someone else he can't forget, but he can't get that person, so he just plays with you. ."

(end of this chapter)