Chapter 495: Your Majesty is Sweet (4)

Chapter 495 Your Majesty is Sweet (4)

Cha Cha subconsciously paused and frowned slightly.

This man...

She sighed silently.

walked forward.

"Brother Emperor."

She shouted softly, as if afraid of scaring people.

It was just those black eyes staring straight at him.

Qiushui followed, a little confused.

She really couldn't figure out His Majesty's routine.

When you come up, you call the emperor brother? Is it too fast?

At least verify your identity...

and His Majesty's gaze... Could you be a little more restrained?

Qiushui felt that he was not calm anymore.

The man who was called the imperial brother got up from his chair and saluted, "Shangguanjing greets His Majesty, His Majesty..."

"Brother Huang doesn't have to do this." Cha Cha interrupted his salute, frowning, a little displeased.

The words fell, and I felt that my tone was not suitable, so I was a little gentler.

"What I mean is that you and I are brothers, and there are no outsiders in the imperial study, so there is no need to do these pompous rituals. Brother Huang, please take a seat and have a good reminiscence with me."

I haven't seen each other for many years, so naturally I'm very unfamiliar.

Shangguanjing stood on the spot, and his whole body looked awkward.

Cha Cha walked up to him and took a close look.

In the next instant, Shangguanjing lowered his head even lower.

She chuckled, "Brother Huang? Are you asking me to help you sit there myself?"

"Shangguanjing dare not..." He quickly shook his head, took a few steps back, and sat nervously in the chair.

Cha Cha shook his head and waved away the maid and **** in the imperial study, and even Qiushui and Xia Yue were also waved away.

The door of the imperial study room was closed.

In the blink of an eye, only the two of them were left.

Cha Cha laboriously moved a chair and put it next to Shangguan Jing.

She shouted, "Brother Huang doesn't have to be so cramped, now, there are only the two of us left."

With fair fingers, he casually pinched a piece of hibiscus cake and handed it to Shangguan Jing.

"Hibiscus cake tastes good, try it?"

Shangguanjing was stunned, took the hibiscus cake, hesitantly moved, and never bit down.

Cha Cha smiled and stretched out another piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Brother, don't worry, there is no poison, and I will not poison you."

She knew why he hesitated, and also knew that he had doubts about her. He was on guard all over, guarding against this palace, guarding against her... guarding against everything, always on guard...

She calmly ate piece after piece of hibiscus cake under Shangguanjing's stunned gaze.

When he was eating, he blinked at Shangguan Jing, as if to say: Look, it's really not poisonous.

Qiqi, […I think, Chacha, you are here to deceive Hibiscus Cake. 】

Cha Cha, "Be good, don't talk."

She looked at Shangguan Jing with a gentle expression, and looked up and down for a while.

The two of them sat face to face, quite a bit silent about each other, Cha Cha sighed helplessly, "Brother Huang just came back, maybe a little uncomfortable, let's rest first."

Chacha added, "It's too late to clean up other palaces, so the royal brother will temporarily live in the side hall of my bedroom. It just so happens that the two of us have not seen each other for many years. Now we can cultivate a relationship."

Shangguanjing was a little shocked at first, and then nodded gently.

Between the eyebrows, they are all cautious.

In a trance, she saw the humility in him.

I can almost guess that, as the prince of the Snow Kingdom, but being a proton in the Moon Kingdom, these years have probably been very difficult...

Thinking of this, with a little emotion.

"Brother, don't worry, I will be here in the future."

Cha Cha looked at Shangguan Jing, even if he didn't say much from the beginning to the end, she could arrange people clearly...

(end of this chapter)