Chapter 496: Your Majesty is Sweet (5)

Chapter 496 Your Majesty is Sweet (5)

Now that we agreed to let him live in the side hall.

Cha Cha got up directly.

stretched out his hand and pulled him, ignoring Shangguanjing's astonishment, and took him to the side hall.

Along the way, many palace maids and eunuchs were surprised.

Qiushui and Xia Yue followed behind, and their emotions were indescribably complicated.

This...what development is this?

Especially, when they saw His Majesty send people to the side hall, the two almost shouted.

Shangguanjing's identity has not yet been determined, so put him beside him?

This is too dangerous!

"Brother Huang, you rest first, I will go back to the imperial study to continue grading the memorial."

Leaving this sentence behind, Cha Cha turned around and left. Before leaving, he called a few more eunuchs to wait on him carefully.

Imperial study.

Chacha holding Hibiscus Cake and Melaleuca Cake and eating non-stop.

As for the memorial?

Let’s eat for a while and talk.

Qiushui and Xiayue looked at each other.

Take a step forward on the autumn water.

"Your Majesty, isn't this inappropriate?"

If this person is not a good person, wouldn’t there be a big trouble?

After all, Shangguanjing only has a token to prove it, but a token can be held by anyone...

Cha Cha looked indifferent, "There's nothing wrong with him, he's my emperor's brother, and he has suffered a lot in Yue Kingdom over the years, and I should take good care of him to compensate him."

Qiushui, "..." I don't know why, but there is always an illusion that His Majesty is addicted to beauty.

Cha Cha just finished eating the cakes and turned over two memorials.

Suddenly a **** came to report.

said that Shangguanjing suddenly felt uncomfortable not long after he entered the side hall.

was so frightened that Chacha hurriedly asked the imperial doctor to announce, and rushed towards the side hall.

As she rushed, she pondered that it would be more appropriate to put the memorial in the bedroom in the future.

After grading the memorial, you can go to sleep without running back and forth between the dormitory and the imperial study.

When   Cha Cha arrived at the side hall, the imperial doctor had already arrived.

Shangguanjing is weak, he has not been able to take care of himself properly, and suffers a huge loss...

In short, a bunch of words smashed together, and at the end it was a sentence: Shangguanjing was in Yueguo, and he had a bad life.

Chacha's eyes shone brightly, and her eyes were moist.

She leaned over and wanted to reach out and touch his forehead.

Shangguanjing subconsciously avoided and looked at her unaccustomedly.

After the two looked at each other, Shangguanjing hurriedly sat up from the bed and wanted to get out of bed and salute.

Chacha reacted quickly, and yelled at him with a cold face, "If you dare to salute again, I will take off your legs!"

In the side hall, a bunch of people were stunned.

Is it so cruel?

If this is spread out, I am afraid that it will become His Majesty abusing the eldest prince.

Shangguan Jing was stunned for a while.

lowered his eyes and lied down honestly.

A strange light flashed in his dark eyes.

Chacha, "Qiu Shui, you go and follow the imperial doctor, and then adjust a few palace maids to carefully decoct the medicine."


Shangguanjing waited for a while, and seeing that the person sitting next to him had no intention of leaving, he had to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep.

As a result, not long after closing his eyes, he fell asleep.

Cha Cha looked at his sleeping face and sighed slightly.

"Your Majesty? Are you going to rest first? Xia Yue is here to watch." Xia Yue whispered.

She always felt that His Majesty's feelings for this 'eldest prince' were very unusual.

Not to mention whether they are real brothers and sisters, even if they are brothers and sisters... brothers and sisters who have never met, is this the situation now?

A person is always silent, terribly unfamiliar.

The other, all eyes are on him...

The more Xia Yue thought about it, the more confused she felt.

Immediately after, she was rejected by His Majesty.

Chacha, "I'm going to guard here myself."

Xia Yue, "..."

(end of this chapter)