Chapter 500: Your Majesty is Sweet (9)

Chapter 500 Your Majesty is Sweet (9)

But that's okay, since things are out of control.

Then he put everything back under his control.

The next day.

Cha Cha, as usual, opened her eyes in a daze, and then let Xia Yue Qiushui help her change her clothes.

Early morning...that's a hard thing to do.

Waking up early every day is too embarrassing for her little cutie.

When walking out of the dormitory.

Cha Cha took a few hibiscus cakes and put them in his arms.

Autumn Water, "..."

Early above.

Chacha's face was cold and expressionless.

In fact, the thoughts in his mind have been flying round and round, "Qiqi, look at what fun and delicious places are in the city, and I will take the emperor to play outside together later!"

【Good! 】

"Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has been diligent in government for the people, and his ministers and others have seen it. However, the emperor should also pay attention to the issue of children. It is time to put the matter of choosing a concubine on the agenda."

Chacha's originally happy mood was instantly stimulated by the word "Xuanfei".

Choose a concubine?

Even if she chooses, does she have that ability?

Do not choose not to choose not to choose!

She refused with a black face!


Baiguan, "???"

Why did you mention a concubine and get so angry?

Could it be that the emperor is really not close to women?

I heard that there was a man of unknown origin beside the emperor, but no one knew who the man was.

And the emperor hides people very well.

Someone couldn't help whispering.

The only general who knew the truth of the matter also fell into doubt.

After thinking about it, he felt more and more that there were many problems in this matter.

If he is the first prince, he should tell the world and make him king.

If it wasn't for the First Prince, how could he keep people by his side? too dangerous!

He sighed and decided to go to the emperor to have a good chat about this issue.

Cha Cha returned to the bedroom with a speechless expression on his face. Before he could sit down, he saw Xia Yue running over to report.

"Your Majesty, the general asks to see you."

Chacha's pretty little face instantly wrinkled into a ball, "..."

"You asked him to wait in the outer hall!"


She stretched out her hand and touched her long hungry belly with a bitter face.

is really hard.

Shangguanjing walked out of the side hall and saw this scene.

The little emperor with red lips and white teeth put the hibiscus cake in his arms very quickly with his forehand.

He was startled and made a deliberate noise under his feet.

The little emperor's hand moved for a while, and he quickly retracted his hand. The smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a serious look.

The corners of Shangguanjing's lips rose unconsciously.

"Your Majesty?"

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Shangguanjing's voice.

startled her, she thought it was Qiushui and Xiayue back, she ate a few hibiscus cakes in the morning, Qiushui and Xiayue were either sighing or sighing at her.

She was embarrassed to see.

She hopped to Shangguanjing and grabbed his hand.

"Brother Huang, why did you get up so early? When I meet the general, I will take you out to play."

Shangguanjing was stunned for a moment, then glanced down at the wrist he was holding, and hurriedly struggled.

Cha Cha stared at his empty palm, looking at him with a hurt expression, "Brother Huang, don't you like seeing me that much?"

Shangguan Jing bowed his head.

"Your Majesty, you are the ruler of a country, you should pay attention..."

"What are you paying attention to? Are you paying attention to your behavior?" Cha Cha took a step forward in displeasure and approached.

Shangguanjing also took a step back, and the unfamiliar meaning is self-evident.

Cha Cha frowned, becoming more and more unhappy.

Hiding from her?

Don't talk to her?

She has been raised for several days, but she is still not mature?

Believe it or not, she threw the man out and stopped raising him!

Qiqi, […I don’t believe it. 】


(end of this chapter)