Chapter 501: Your Majesty is Sweet (10)

Chapter 501 Your Majesty is Sweet (10)

Cha Cha looked at him directly.

for a long time.

she sighed.

"Forget it, I'll go see the general first."

The words are full of powerlessness.

Cha Cha turned around and walked out of the bedroom, and the general was already waiting in the outer hall.

Shangguanjing raised his head, turned to look in the direction she left, and has long since disappeared.

In the dark eyes, the mood is dark and unclear.

He couldn't tell his emotions at the moment, nor could he tell how he felt about the little emperor.

I only know that when he heard her powerless words, his heart felt a little uncomfortable...

outer hall.

The general    looked like he was hesitating to speak.

Chacha glanced, "I know what the general wants to say, I have my own measure, you don't have to worry."

When the words were over, she looked at Qiushui and Xiayue again.

"So are you. If you shouldn't say anything in the future, you don't need to say it anymore. I know what I'm doing. If there is nothing wrong with the general, why don't you go out of the palace with me."

The clear general who was arranged from beginning to end nodded helplessly, "...Yes."

"Autumn, find a suitable dress for the general."

"You two also change your clothes, let's go together, it's crowded and lively!"

Actually, she doesn't like liveliness very much, she prefers quietness.

However, Shangguanjing is too boring and doesn't seem to communicate much with the outside world.

With a few more people, it may be more fun.

outside the palace.

on the carriage.

Full of embarrassment.

The Great General and Shangguanjing sat on both sides, and neither of them said a word.

Qiushui Xiayue is driving outside.

Cha Cha glanced at the two of them and shook his head in disgust.

She silently took out the hibiscus cake from her arms and took one bite after another.

Halfway through the meal, what she found in her conscience was a piece for the general and Shangguanjing.

When the general    took the hibiscus cake, he just happened to meet the little emperor's dark eyes, his eyes were clear and translucent, and the mind inside was unobstructed.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the hibiscus cake in his hand, and then looked at the little emperor's obviously distressed appearance.

He felt that the cake in his hand suddenly became a little heavy...

Alas, His Majesty is still young, and he is still growing, how could he **** food from His Majesty?

Shangguanjing didn't think about it that much, except for a little surprise, he still lowered his head and looked weak.

Chacha's speed is very fast, after she has finished all the pastries.

She saw at a glance the piece of cake she had distributed to the general, and he hadn't eaten it yet.

Chacha swallowed and stared straight at the general.

The General    only felt a chill down his spine, he tilted his head and met His Majesty's gaze.

suddenly realized something, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty? This time out of the palace, but there is an urgent matter to deal with?"

Cha Cha nodded and shook his head again.

The General    was a little stunned, and looked at His Majesty in confusion.

Cha Cha stretched out his white finger and pointed at the cake, "If you don't eat it, give it back to me!"

General   , "..."

Shangguan Jing couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Chacha keenly caught it, and he was shocked. He even forgot the cakes and rushed to Shangguanjing excitedly, "You laughed!"

actually laughed?

She thought he couldn't laugh!

I didn't even say a word to her, but this time I laughed?

Chacha is very happy.

Shangguanjing was a little overwhelmed and didn't know how to deal with it.

"You smile again... ah."

Chacha exclaimed suddenly, the carriage seemed to have passed a hurdle, and after a while, she threw herself directly into Shangguan Jing's arms.

Shangguanjing's eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

looked at the person in his arms in disbelief.

The whole person was stunned there, and then he quickly adjusted his emotions, and his eyes looked as usual.

"Your Majesty? Are you all right?"


Five, see you tonight~

(end of this chapter)