Chapter 502: Your Majesty is Sweet (11)

Chapter 502 Your Majesty is Sweet (11)

Cha Cha shook his head and opened from Shangguan Jing's arms, his pretty face dyed a bit crimson, and he looked away a little embarrassedly.

Immediately afterwards, Qiushui's voice came from outside, with a bit of anxiety, "Your Majesty?"

"It's okay, drive well."

This top... is really a coincidence.

The general    sat beside him, feeling very inexplicable about the current development, feeling strange...

He bowed his head, feeling that he was out of place here.

Simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

No matter what happened, he thought he didn't see it.

Cha Cha calmed down his emotions and said softly, "Brother Huang? Are you okay? I didn't mean to."

Shangguanjing raised his eyes subconsciously, just in time to see the little emperor's red earlobe.

He shook his head, "It's okay, it just hurts a little here."

His long, slender fingers pointed to his waist.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then followed his hand to look over, "Shouldn't it be flashing your waist?"

Oh, her imperial brother is so weak.

Just now, she bumped hard again, afraid that something really went wrong.

She leaned forward nervously, as if she wanted to stretch out her hand, but felt it was inappropriate, so she silently retracted her hand.

"Autumn Water, turn around and go back to the palace!"

Autumn Water, "..."

Shangguanjing was stunned for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty? It's not necessary, it's not a big problem."

Cha Cha immediately retorted, "No! A man's waist is very important!"

In case it flashes, it's no joke!

The general, who pretended to be sleeping, couldn't bear it any longer. He coughed twice, and said a little embarrassedly, "Your Majesty, I'll go outside to get some fresh air..."

You two continue.

He opened the curtain very quickly and sat outside.

"..." Well, he didn't know why, and it developed into this inexplicably.

The carriage stopped, and Qiushui was a little dazed.

Continue or turn around and go back to the palace?

Shangguanjing looked at her with a smile, "It's just a knock, it's really fine, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

Cha Cha's small wrinkled face was instantly replaced by daze.

She curiously sat beside Shangguanjing and said in a low voice, "How to try."

Wu Liuliu's eyes were full of curiosity.

Shangguanjing looked at the appearance of the little emperor, and his mood was complicated and subtle.

He answered her meaningfully, "It's not very convenient now, but you can give it a try when you return to the palace."

He thought about countless possibilities and thought about many kinds of development.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the little emperor of the Snow Kingdom would actually be a girl.

According to the information of   yue Kingdom, this little emperor was born as a noble and supreme little prince, and he was loved by all kinds of things.

If this is the case, it can only mean that from the time the little emperor was born, the first emperor of the Snow Kingdom told everyone a big lie.

However, in that case, there seems to be only such a solution.

Internal and external troubles, if there is no more prince to give everyone hope, I am afraid that the snow country will be over long ago.

Chacha saw Shangguanjing's serious look, but still a little worried, he reached out and poked his waist.

"Your Majesty, take it easy..."

Shangguanjing's voice was not loud, but the three people outside the carriage just heard it.

Qiushui and Xiayue have martial arts in their bodies, and the general has deep internal strength, so his hearing is also very good.

Qiushui and Xia Yue looked at each other with complicated expressions.

They seemed to suddenly understand why the General came out of the carriage.

But as soon as the general left, it meant that the two of them were alone in the carriage!

And their majesty is a little girl.

Those words are so fascinating...

The two of them looked at the general, and the meaning was self-evident.

"..." Trouble the General to get back into the carriage again!


Six more.

(end of this chapter)