Chapter 503: Your Majesty is very sweet (12) seven more

Chapter 503 Your Majesty is Sweet (12) Seventh

The general    was pushed into the carriage by Qiushui Xiayue with a bewildered look on his face.

After he entered, he obviously felt a strange atmosphere.

But everyone has come in, and they can't go out.

Seeing that His Majesty's face was a little red.

The general    asked with concern, "Your Majesty, is it too stuffy in the car?"

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "It's a little boring, but it's okay..."

She looked away erratically, but not in the direction of Shangguanjing.

She is now reacting.

What he said just now was just making fun of her...

In addition to being annoyed, she also felt a little relieved. Does this count as a little bit closer?

instead of being rusty like at first?

Another moment passed.

The carriage stopped.

Cha Cha walked out with a smile on his face.

The general    followed Guan Jing.

When the general saw that their destination was a restaurant, he was a little confused.

"Your Majesty..."

"Master Bi!" Qiushui reminded.

"Yes, Master Bi." After the general had reacted, he quietly approached Qiushui, "Miss Qiushui? What does the son mean by bringing us to the restaurant?"

Qiushui glanced at him and said with a smile, "When you come to the restaurant, it's natural to eat."

The general    stood there, stunned for a long time.

Seeing that His Majesty, Qiushui, Xiayue, and Shangguanjing entered the restaurant, he reacted and quickly followed.

So...the purpose of leaving the palace is to come to the restaurant for dinner?

He thought he had something very important to deal with.

When the General    entered, Cha Cha had already called Qiu Shui and Xia Yue to sit down together.

Seeing that the general was a bit cramped, she waved, "You're welcome, we are together, today, there are no monarchs and ministers, so don't be so cramped, just chat with friends."

The general    had an upright temperament. Seeing that His Majesty was so cheerful, he was no longer in a hurry and sat down with him.

Cha Cha said proudly, "The food in this restaurant is the best in the city!"

She made Qiqi investigate for a long time!

I just don’t know how it tastes compared to the delicacies of the mountains and seas in the imperial kitchen.

"The one chosen by the son is naturally the best." Qiushui cooperated.

Cha Cha looked at Qiu Shui with bright eyes, as if he had met a bosom friend, "Qiu Shui is becoming more and more able to talk!"

Xia Yue, "It's all well taught by the young master."

Chacha, "!!!"

Hey, Qiu Shui and Xia Yue from her family, such serious girls, did not expect that after leaving the palace, what they said would be so nice.

"In the future, you have to say more similar things, for example, the son is very good-looking, the son is very smart... Or, prepare more kinds of food..."

Chacha happily added, she reached out and touched her stomach again, and muttered softly.

"My life would be happier if I didn't call me in the morning..."

Several people present silently glanced at her.

Although your voice is small, we can all hear it.

The boy lowered his head and touched his stomach, looking a little aggrieved...

Hey, their majesty is still a child who needs to be pampered!

Shangguanjing looked at her quietly and thoughtfully.

After waiting for a while, the restaurant finally served the food.

Facts have proved that Qiqi has a good eye for picking delicious food.

The food in this restaurant is unique and tastes really good.

Chacha who didn't eat breakfast, her stomach growled from hunger, her eating movements were barely elegant, was very fast...

Shangguanjing thought for a while, this amount of food, probably a normal person can't support her.

But fortunately, he has money, no matter how much she eats, he can afford it.

The corners of his lips rose slightly.

Realizing what he was thinking, he hurriedly tossed the idea behind him...


Seventh shift, good night~

(end of this chapter)