Chapter 506: Your Majesty is Sweet (15)

Chapter 506 Your Majesty is Sweet (15)

side hall.

Shangguanjing sat there.

He played with his celadon wine glasses with his sharply articulated fingers, and his pitch-black eyes were dim.

is elusive.

A black figure was as fast as a gust of wind.

"Master, the news has been spread according to your instructions."

"..." Shangguan Jing was silent for a while.

He didn't know that the people under him were able to do things so efficiently that what was ordered last night has now been done?

He frowned, a little displeased.

If I had known the identity of the little emperor...

He wouldn't make this move either.

Unfortunately, she only discovered her identity this morning.

"Forget it, go check it out..." The cold words stopped abruptly, and he glanced at the dark guard.

The dark guard was respectful, "Master? What are your orders?"

Shangguanjing's eyes flashed with amusement, some things are better to be determined by yourself.

"It's okay, you step back, don't show up again for the time being without my summons."

The dark guard was a little suspicious, but he could only suppress the doubts in his heart, "Yes."

Immediately, he was the only one left in the side hall.

This game is getting more and more interesting.


Qiushui waited for an hour, but Xia Yue still did not come back.

In a hurry, Cha Cha, who was lying in bed, woke up leisurely. She rubbed her eyes in a daze.

took another look at Qiushui standing beside him.

Ugh, I didn't expect that I would actually fall asleep while pretending to be sleeping.

"Autumn Water, why are you dangling?"

Cha Cha got up and lifted the quilt.

looked at Qiushui dumbfounded.

Qiushui was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's nothing, Your Majesty is awake, do you want something to eat? There are two new cakes in the imperial kitchen."

In the past few days, His Majesty's appetite is much better than before.

Especially for cakes and the like, you should always be prepared.

In the imperial kitchen, there are more and more snacks, and His Majesty likes it very much.

Hearing the small cakes, Cha Cha nodded, sleepiness also ran for most of the time, "Okay!"

She changed her clothes and saw the small cakes at a glance, which looked very delicate.

Cha Cha ran over happily, reached out and took two trays of small cakes, turned around happily and walked towards the side hall.

she found out after this morning.

Shangguanjing's attitude towards her is much better!

It's not in vain that she raised him for so long and gave him so much delicious food.

She will continue to raise her and keep people white and tender!

Qiushui watched his Majesty rush into the side hall, becoming more and more sad.

If His Majesty really likes the one in the side hall, what should we do?

Identity is a mystery!

She shook her head and sighed.

had to turn around and step out of the bedroom, planning to see when Xia Yue came back.

As soon as Qiushui went out, he saw Xia Yue who hurried back.

"What happened? So panicked?" Qiushui was startled.

"Autumn Water... The general said that someone had spread the news that the eldest prince had returned to the Snow Country! Now, most of the ministers in the court know the news..."

Xia Yue did not expect that she heard the news as soon as she arrived at the General's Mansion.

Obviously they suppressed the news, and in the palace, except for a few people, no one else knew that the first prince was back.

"Where's Your Majesty? Let's tell Your Majesty about this soon." Xia Yue said anxiously.

Qiushui sighed, "Your Majesty is in the side hall..."

Xia Yue, "…"

side hall.

Cha Cha hugged the cake and was so happy. She found that Shangguan Jing could not only talk to her now, but also smile at her.

I don't know why, but Chacha feels very proud now.

is quite a bit of a feeling that his own cubs have been raised hard.

Qiqi, [ sober, that's not your cub, that's your man. 】

Heaven, shouldn't its host run astray?

(end of this chapter)