Chapter 507: Your Majesty is Sweet (16)

Chapter 507 Your Majesty is Sweet (16)

Cha Cha hugged the cake and ate for a while.

Seeing that Shangguanjing didn't do much.

She thought for a while, then gently squeezed a piece and put it in his mouth.

While delivering, he recited in his heart: Successfully fed a piece of cake.

Well, if there is a first piece, there is a second piece...

Shangguan Jing did not refuse, he would eat whatever she fed.

Two plates of cakes, but one person ate one plate.

Chacha is not only very happy to eat, but also very happy to feed it, and I feel proud!

She looked at the empty plate with a sense of responsibility!

Continue to feed tomorrow!

Seven-seven, […]

After feeding the cakes, Chacha thought of another serious business.

She stretched out her hand, dragged Shangguan Jing, dragged the person into her bedroom, then raised her finger to the table full of memorials, she said, "Go and sit there."

Shangguan Jing didn't know, so he sat there according to her wishes.

In front of    is a pile of memorials.

Something flashed through his mind quickly, but he couldn't catch it in time.

Chacha cleared his throat and looked at him with a serious face, "Brother Huang, you have been in Yue Kingdom for many years, and now you have finally come back.

Although you should enjoy the warmth, I can't take care of you, so I think you should take a look at the memorial now, make corrections by the way, and exercise your own abilities. "

Shangguanjing, "..." I think you just don't want to revise the memorial.

Seeing that he was silent, Chacha talked a lot again.

Shangguanjing sighed, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, you think too highly of me, it's more appropriate to take it step by step, I've never come into contact with this before..."

These words are quite technical, he lowered his eyes, and his body exuded sadness.

seems to be telling her confidently: I didn't learn anything in Yueguo.

chacha, “…”

She thought for a while and silently swallowed what she was about to say.

She has to be patient with him, since he said no, then... then take it slow.

And she can't show that she dislikes him, she has to take into account his self-esteem.

She was helpless.

asked softly, "Then are you literate? Can you write?"

Shangguanjing, "Naturally."

He lowered his eyes and said, Yueguo didn't make the real Shangguanjing into a **** who didn't know big characters.

Cha Cha said it righteously, "Since you can read, then you can read these memorials again. I will tell you how to correct them, and you will write them down."

Shangguan Jing, "???"

Just put all the memorials of the Snow Country in front of him?

Don't guard against him at all?

Shangguanjing picked up a memorial in astonishment, just opened it, and heard her say, "Wait a minute!"

He raised his eyes and saw that she got up, jumped around in the dormitory, and then happily ran over with a plate of melon seeds, lying on the soft couch beside the table.

As soon as I got down, Chacha felt that it was not suitable. If I ate too many melon seeds, it would get hot.

She crawled up and hugged another plate of grapes before lying on the soft couch in satisfaction.

"You read it." She said lightly.

Shangguanjing was stunned for a while.

Innocence is not pretended, after all, she is still a girl who has not grown up.

He shouldn't make her think too complicated.

Besides, almost all of her thoughts were put in her eyes.

You can see clearly at a glance.

Shangguanjing's voice is very nice, deep and with a sense of security.

so that...

Cha Cha fell asleep again.

When    Qiushui walked in, she saw such a scene, which almost made her tremble.

His Majesty was lying on the soft couch, one hand hung down from the soft couch, and a small handful of melon seeds were sprinkled on the corresponding ground.

It looks like he fell asleep while eating.

It's just that Shangguanjing is sitting at the desk, holding a memorial to make corrections...


Four shifts, see you tonight~

(end of this chapter)