Chapter 512: Your Majesty is Sweet (21)

Chapter 512 Your Majesty is Sweet (21)

Shangguanjing looked at the things that were turned out in his hands, and his face changed.

He tilted his head and looked at Cha Cha.

Cha Cha said with a smile, "I received these scriptures from the palace maid and eunuch. Since you don't know how to tell stories, then read the stories to the scriptbook."

I am so considerate!

Shangguan Jing saw her eagerly looking at the book in his hand, her dark eyes were moist and light, and her heart suddenly became a soft mess.

Just read the book.

He walked over, sat next to her, and asked her to pick a book from it.

Qiqi, [...] Has my host reached the point where he doesn't even have the strength to turn over the book? ? ?


Forget it, maybe even reading the book can cultivate feelings.

Shangguanjing's voice is very nice, plus, he deliberately slowed down, gentle and outrageous, making people feel like a spring breeze.

The story in the book, Chacha didn't understand much, and his attention fell on the person beside him who was reading the book quietly.

woo, I don't know what's in the book.

She always felt that Shangguan Jing's earlobes were turning red.

How about she also listen carefully?

After listening to a few sentences, Cha Cha almost understood what the book was talking about.

The story is too old-fashioned to continue listening.

It is more appropriate to focus on his face.

is... His earlobes seem to be getting redder.

Cha Cha leaned over curiously, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Shangguan Jing's voice stopped when he read the book, looked up at her, shook his head, "No discomfort." She was staring at her a little helplessly.

Especially her moist eyes, really hooked,,, people.

is clear and clean, does not cause dust, and his eyes are full of him.

Shangguanjing put down the notebook.

changed the subject without haste, "Dinner should be ready soon, do you want me to help you up?"

Hearing the night, the moist eyes became brighter and brighter.

"No!" She was so happy that she got up by herself, and then just propped herself up, and fell back on the bed.

Chacha, "???"


What just happened?

Am I exhausted to this point?

She looked at Shangguan Jing with a stunned expression, "Turn around, don't look at me!" I'll try again.

Woo, shame!

Shangguanjing's lips curled into a smile, he answered her request, and turned around to stop looking at her.

In these two hours, she probably won't have any strength.

Cha Cha struggled again.

"..." Forget it, I can't get up, I continue to lie down!

She snorted a little dejectedly.

She suspected that she was given some kind of medicine for soft tendons.

Otherwise, how could this happen?


Qiushui appeared with dinner.

Taking into account His Majesty's body, most dinners are light.

Cha Cha sighed, lying on the bed like a salted fish, unable to get up to eat, heartache died.

for a moment.

Shangguanjing took the initiative to say, "I'll carry you to the soft couch, okay?"

Cha Cha, "...Okay!" You are such a clever little ghost!

Chacha was placed on the soft couch with a few pillows behind her. She thought about it, she is the emperor now, and although she doesn't have the strength to raise her hand, it's okay for someone to feed her a meal!

She looked at Qiushui, but didn't speak.

Shangguanjing has come to her with porridge.

"I feed you."

Cha Cha, "...good."

Wow, I'm so moved and happy!

She raised Shangguan Jing, not only will she laugh at her, but now she knows to take the initiative to treat her well and feed her food! ! !

Qiushui looked at the two people who were getting closer and closer, and the whole person was not well.

Now, we can only hope that the general will find out the identity of Shangguan Jing as soon as possible.

(end of this chapter)