Chapter 513: Your Majesty is Sweet (22)

Chapter 513 Your Majesty is Sweet (22)

A bowl of porridge bottoms out.

Cha Cha stared at the other dishes on the table with bright eyes.

Reminder before autumn water.

"Your Majesty, you want something light."

Those meat dishes are all prepared for Shangguanjing.

Cha Cha blinked, a little confused, looked at Qiushui, then at Shangguan Jing, "..." I think you are bullying me.

I eat porridge, you eat meat? ? ?

Shangguanjing was a little helpless by her aggrieved appearance.

"Then shall I have porridge with you?"

Have porridge together?

Chacha thought about it for a while, then forget it. If he drank porridge with her, wouldn't the delicious food be wasted?

She shook her head, "I'm going to have a bowl of porridge, you just take me back, I can't see you eating, so I don't want to..."

She is a very reasonable person!

will not deduct Guanjing's rations casually!

Shangguan Jing's heart almost trembled when she saw her eyes.

He raised his hand and touched her head, and said in a consultative tone, "Actually, it's not that you can't eat it. I'll feed you a little bit, but you really can't eat more."

"!!!it is good!"

The tea tea being fed is very happy and very happy.

As soon as she was happy, her whole body followed.

When eating meat, he glanced at Qiushui with a smile on his face, as if to say: If you have the ability, hit me!

Qiushui, "???" headache!

Dinner is finally over.

Cha Cha was carried back to the bedroom, she moved around a bit, and found that her strength had recovered a little.

secretly said: I don't know what kind of medicine this is, it's so powerful.

If she gave Shangguanjing some medicine, she wouldn't say anything in the future, what would it be?

It feels so exciting!

Seven-seven, […………] Suddenly I don’t know what to say.


In the middle of the night, it was silent.

In the side hall.

Shangguanjing stood by the window with his hands behind his back.

A dark shadow appeared soon.

Dark Guard, "Master, the Snow Country General has sent spies into the Moon Kingdom with your portrait. I'm afraid, your identity will be found out soon."

Shangguanjing said solemnly, "Well, don't obstruct."

The dark guard was startled, and after thinking for a while, he said again.

"Master... This subordinate doesn't understand. Although the people from the Moon Kingdom mixed in the imperial kitchen are not from our camp, but..." There is no need to expose them to Xue Guo.

In this way, it will only make Xueguo more vigilant.

Even, he would suspect his master...

Worth the loss!

The porcelain cup he was playing with his slender fingers suddenly made a crisp sound, which was actually crushed by him.

You can only blame those people who moved when they shouldn't.

He was still reluctant to touch her. Where did those people have the courage to touch her food?

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price.

Shangguanjing glanced at the dark guard lightly.

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask, just do as instructed."

His voice was cold, not at all gentle.


"Go back."

The dark guard hesitated for a moment, kneeling on the ground and looking at death, "This subordinate hopes that the master will not forget the purpose of this trip. You are alone in danger, and you must not be soft-hearted..."

"Do you think I have a good temper recently?"

A cold light appeared in his slender fingers.

Blood spilled from the corner of the dark guard's mouth, "Thank you for not killing my master."

"Go away." The voice was calm, but mixed with coldness.

The shadow quickly disappeared in the side hall, as if it had never appeared before.


He has never been interested in the throne of the Snow Country.

It’s just that this game has begun, and it can’t be ended casually.

He always abducts the person he likes back, and that's the end...

(end of this chapter)