Chapter 517: Your Majesty is Sweet (26)

Chapter 517 Your Majesty is Sweet (26)

The minister who came forward first lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Immediately, he said solemnly.

"If the eldest prince does not come back, then dare to ask Your Majesty, who is that person in the side hall now...?"

Cha Cha's complexion changed, and the aura around him became a little colder.

"It turns out that the ministers care so much about me? Even I raise a person in the side hall, you know?"

Xingba, when the emperor, not only has no freedom.

Every move is still being watched.

"Your Majesty forgives your sins, I just care about Your Majesty, I'm afraid Your Majesty will be blindfolded by a traitor..."

As soon as the voice fell, several ministers looked at the general in unison.

General, "???"

I...I'm an adulterer? ? ?

"Your Majesty, I heard that it was the general who sent people into the palace. I thought that if the person in the side hall was the first prince, he should..."

Chacha interrupted him impatiently, "Aiqing! You said it for so long, I only remembered three words: I heard you!

Everything is what you heard, what about the evidence?

If my imperial brother really returned to the Snow Country, I would naturally be happy.

As for the one in the side hall, it is purely that I want to have fun. Is it possible that Aiqing will even interfere in my private fun?

After all, I have never interfered in your private affairs..."

Hearing that, except for the general, all the ministers were stunned for a moment.

Looking...for fun? ? ?

Raising a man in the side hall, looking for fun?

Even the general was stunned.

Chacha quickly realized that there was something wrong with her words, she pretended to be solemn and said solemnly.

"You don't have to worry, Aiqings, I'm just chatting with that person about the family and the country. If there is nothing else, then retreat!"

Until Cha Cha leaves the dragon chair.

A group of ministers have not yet reacted.

When they are stupid?

Raise a man, chat about the country, and have fun?

My God, Your Majesty has never drafted a concubine, shouldn't he be interested in men?

All the ministers were shocked for a long time, and some people looked at the general in silence.

"General, how can you condone the emperor so much? The emperor is young, don't you understand anything?"

The general    explained solemnly, "Your Majesty said, talk about the family and the country, this is a good thing!"

Leaving those words behind, he swaggeringly disappeared from the sight of the ministers.

He is in a very good mood now.

His Majesty is really smart, and he fooled a bunch of ministers with just a few words, but... it's just that this excuse is not suitable...

He pondered for a moment, then turned his head and walked towards the imperial study.

Imperial study.

Cha Cha took a hibiscus cake and glanced at the general calmly.

"General please speak."

"Since Your Majesty has doubts about the identity of the person in the side hall, why are you still so close?"

Thinking about it, he still didn't understand this.

Cha Cha took a bite of the hibiscus cake and said slowly, "I never doubted him."

General, "???"

Cha Cha put down the hibiscus cake and explained slowly, "I knew from the beginning that he was not my imperial brother, and naturally, I never doubted it."

These words were justified and assertive, but the general was shocked and stunned, and the whole person was not well.

He stared at the little emperor who was sitting there with a calm expression.

Even Qiushui, who was beside him, was also shocked.

"Your Majesty? You know he's not, so why let him live in the side hall?"

Qiushui asked confusedly.

This...what's the situation? ? ?

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Qiushui, and then looked at the general.

Oh, she didn't seem to tell them about it.

That's really because she's not being kind, and she's going to showdown.


See you tonight~

(end of this chapter)