Chapter 518: Your Majesty is Sweet (27)

Chapter 518 Your Majesty is Sweet (27)

Her first glance at Shangguan Jing began.

knew that he was neither Shangguanjing nor her imperial brother.

She didn't know the purpose of his coming to Snow Country, nor was she interested.

All she knew was that he appeared.

appeared in front of her, then she would not let go.

Following his will, he cooperated to keep people in the side hall and under his eyes.

He was indifferent.

It's okay, she can develop feelings slowly.

Anyway, he won't leave her so soon, and now, the relationship has progressed.

She pondered for a while, and explained to Qiushui to the general.

"I think he's good-looking, so I keep him by my side."

General   , "..."

Autumn Water, "..."

Both of them were silent.

didn't know what to say.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha added another sentence, which was an explanation and a warning, "It doesn't matter who he is, the important thing is that he is now my person, he has eaten so much of my food, he is my person! Who! You can't take it away! You can only stay by my side!"

Sometimes, she also has strong paranoia and possessiveness in her bones.


When Cha Cha returned to the side hall again.

Shangguanjing already knew what happened above the court.

He started to lose sight of her.

Since he said in front of all the ministers that he is not the first prince, why should he keep him by his side?

as usual.

Cha Cha dragged Shangguan Jing and asked him to correct the memorial.

She lay on the soft couch and glanced at him from time to time, oh, he is really, really good!

The memorial is marked half way.

Shangguanjing suddenly put down his memorial, came to her with a smile on his face, and then sat halfway on the soft couch, narrowing the distance between the two.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, and an enlarged face appeared in front of him.

Take a closer look at it, and you will find that his face really has no flaws.

After an unknown amount of time, he said softly.

"Does it look good?"

Cha Cha swallowed her saliva, her moist eyes full of seriousness, "Good-looking."

is very beautiful, I really want to... take a bite.

The slender fingers with distinct knuckles slowly landed on her cheeks.

His dark and deep eyes stared straight at her.

He suddenly understood.

From the beginning, her attitude towards him was not like her sister's attitude towards her brother.


"You already knew that I'm not Shangguanjing?" He asked softly, his fingers trembling slightly, even he himself didn't notice the tension between his words.

Chachawu's eyes rolled around, and he muttered, "Hmm."

had long known that he was not Shangguanjing.

Therefore, I kept him by my side to cultivate feelings.

If it's really Shangguanjing... I'm sorry, it's absolutely impossible for her to cultivate so-called feelings.

He was stunned.

Although I guessed it just now, I was still a little shocked when I heard her answer.

"Knowing that I'm not Shangguanjing, you still keep me by your side?"

His emotions were indescribably complicated.

Cha Cha sighed.

Anyway, since things have come to this point, let’s talk about it, it’s the same thing to say sooner or later, and since he mentioned it, she doesn’t need to talk to him about something useless.

"Because I fell in love with you."

The simple and straightforward words made him startled for a long time.

After being stunned, he was full of smiles, "You have good eyesight."

"My vision, of course, is excellent, but you haven't told me what your name is, let's get to know him again." If you don't call him Shangguanjing, he must have a name.

Otherwise, next time she calls him, woo, I don't know how to call him, so let's introduce a name first.

"Fengqing (qing)."

"Tea tea."


Four shifts, see you later~

(end of this chapter)