Chapter 519: Your Majesty is Sweet (28)

Chapter 519 Your Majesty is Sweet (28)

Neither of them said anything unnecessary.

Cha Cha didn't ask him the purpose of coming to Snow Country.

He also did not ask why Cha Cha was a daughter.

In a trance, there is a strange tacit understanding.

Fengqing got the answer he wanted, got up from the soft couch, turned back to the desk, and continued to correct the memorial.

This time, the speed of grading the memorabilia is also much faster.

Probably because he was in a good mood at the moment.

Qiushui and Xiayue come in again.

Strangely discovered that the atmosphere between the not the same as before.

It seems a little sweet now?

And the two of them have their own enchantments, no matter what they say, they don’t seem to be able to blend in between the two.

Xia Yue is still in a daze.

Qiushui suddenly realized something, could it be... Your Majesty had a showdown with this guy?

is thinking.

Chacha looked at Qiushui Xiayue and said, "The two of you instructed to go down, this will be Young Master Feng in the future, but don't call it wrong."

"Young Master Feng?" Xia Yue asked in astonishment.

what's going on?

She and Qiushui were only away for a while, so what happened?

Qiushui patted the back of her hand in a soothing way, turned her head to look at Feng Qing, who looked calm, and said respectfully, "This servant has seen Young Master Feng."


After this day.

Everyone in the palace knew that His Majesty had raised a young master Feng in the side hall.

It is said that His Majesty treats that man very well.

As for the relationship between His Majesty and Young Master Feng, it is unknown...

They only dared to speculate in secret, and no one dared to take the matter out to the public.

This is the palace, if you are not careful, you will lose your head.

Later, Qiushui asked Xia Yue to go to the General's Mansion to ask, where did this Young Master Feng come from?

The general who has not found the identity of Young Master Feng, "..."

So, I worked so hard to investigate for a few days, and co-authored you and made it clear that you are not Shangguanjing?

Oh shit! The general was so angry that he almost kicked the chair in the living room.

Good gas!

If you have the ability, you can put your name together, and only put out a surname, what is it?

If Fengqing knew what the general was thinking.

Fengqing will definitely reply: I said not only my surname, but also my first name. You can only blame yourself for being incompetent. You can't get the full name out of your Majesty's mouth. You can't blame me.

However, in Yue Kingdom, the surname Feng... is not something that ordinary people can have.

The general    pondered, if he remembered correctly, most of the people with the surname Feng in Yueguo were members of the royal family.

That is the case, just follow the investigation.

At the same time, we must also check the real Shangguanjing, that is, the real first prince, where is he, whether he is still in Yueguo, and whether he is still safe!

Royal Palace.

Fengqing skillfully handled the memorial in his hand.


Chacha sent all the memorials to the side hall, and gave them to him for correction without looking at them.

This unconditional trust made him more and more soft-hearted.

A gust of breeze blew past, and several copies of the memorials on the table were blown off.

He frowned slightly.

A black figure flashed by quickly.

"Master, the emperor asked you to go back."

Fengqing didn't even look at him, got up and picked up the memorial on the ground, rearranged it and put it on the table.

The dark guard's words seemed to have not been heard.

In desperation, the dark guard had to repeat it again.

"Master... You can't forget your identity, let alone the purpose of this trip. Now things are developing differently from the original plan. Your behavior will make the emperor extremely dissatisfied..."

God knows how much his heart hurts when he sees his master helping the little emperor of Xueguo correct the memorials.

In Yue Kingdom, the master never helped the emperor to correct the memorial...

(end of this chapter)