Chapter 526: Your Majesty is Sweet (35)

Chapter 526 Your Majesty is Sweet (35)

Cha Cha took a look at the autumn water.

Lightly coughed twice, pretending to be serious, "Probably, I was bitten by a dog last night... Find something to cover it up."

Qiushui nodded with a flushed face.

The flowers on the neck are good to cover up.

Just the corner of the mouth…

is not easy to cover up.

"Forget it, that's it." Cha Cha saw that it was very difficult for the autumn water to cover her, so she helplessly interrupted her movements.

If we delay any longer, if we can't catch up with the morning court, those ministers should be talking nonsense again.

When she was sitting on the dragon chair, few people dared to stare at her.

The corners of the mouth are a little broken, but it doesn't matter much.


After being fooled early in the past.

Cha Cha immediately rushed towards the side hall with a dark face, intending to have a good theory with someone.


Her family's general came to the imperial study again and again to wait for her.

chacha, “…”

She understands the loyal and patriotic heart of the general   .

So...can you reduce the number of times you go to the imperial study room?

Chacha came to the imperial study room crying.

Then, I saw the general knelt down again.

"..." In this case, Cha Cha sighed and asked, "Excuse me, General, what happened again?"

Alas, why did the general have a fight with Feng Qing?

She shook her head helplessly.

Immediately after, she saw the general looking at her with a serious look, and said very solemnly.

"Your Majesty, this minister has already found out the identity of Young Master Feng. Young Master Feng is the most favored eldest prince of the Moon Kingdom, Feng Qing!"

Hearing this, Cha Cha nodded.

"Well, what else?"

She calmly squeezed a hibiscus cake.

The eldest prince of the moon country ran to the snow country to pretend to be the eldest prince of the snow country?

woo, that sounds interesting.

The general    looked at her heartbroken and emphasized, "Your Majesty, he is the prince of the enemy country!"

"...General, there has been no war between the Snow Kingdom and the Moon Kingdom for many years. Not only do we yearn for peace and stability, but we believe that the Moon Kingdom is the same. They never took the initiative to attack, so why should we do it? It will only add to life."

Cha Cha persuaded a few words, for fear that the next second, the general would carry the knife and run to fight the Yue Kingdom.

General    paused for a while, then said sadly, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the first prince of our Snow Country is still in their hands!

Even if we don’t fight Yueguo, we have to find a way to bring our first prince back, right? The late emperor left early, and before he left, he had been thinking about the eldest prince for many years, and so did the late queen..."

Seeing that the general fell into memory, Cha Cha hurriedly ate a piece of cake and was shocked.

Then, seeing that the pastry was finished, the general was still reminiscing about the past...

Cha Cha finally couldn't help it and interrupted him, "...General, don't worry, I will definitely bring the eldest prince back, so you can wait with peace of mind!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Cha Cha quickly left the imperial study.

Leaving behind a confused general.

Your Majesty...I haven't finished speaking yet!

Why did you just leave?

Cha Cha headed towards the side hall.

Qiushui thought for a while and asked aloud, "Your Majesty? Why aren't you surprised by the identity of Young Master Feng?"

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the first prince of Yue Kingdom?

Cha Cha pretended to give her a deep look, and the words he said were quite awkward.

"The person I like is naturally the dragon and the phoenix among the people!"

She is not stupid. Looking at the speed and quality of Fengqing's correction of the memorials, he can guess that his identity is not simple. In addition, Feng is the surname of the Yue Kingdom royal family.

You can guess who he is without even thinking about it!

Cha Cha happily continued to rush to the side hall.

Not only did he abduct the prince of the enemy country into her hands, but he also asked Feng Qing to help her mark and revise the memorials and deal with matters.


Qiqi, […] You are such a clever little ghost!

Six more.

(end of this chapter)