Chapter 527: Your Majesty is Sweet (36)

Chapter 527 Your Majesty is Sweet (36)

Cha Cha returned to the side hall.

took a look at Feng Qing who was feeling guilty.

The corners of her lips curved, she came to him, and asked softly, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Hearing this, Feng Qing shook his head.

His eyes passed over Cha Cha's face calmly.

I wondered in my heart, could it be that she came to him to settle accounts?

last night……

It's true that he can't help her.

Thinking like this, Feng Qing nodded dully again.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "You shake your head for a while, nod your head for a while, I don't know what you mean!"

I can't guess.

Fengqing fell silent, as if thinking about how to speak.

Cha Cha sighed, always feeling that she would have to wait for a long time before Feng Qing said the next sentence.


She sat directly on the bed, leaning halfway, holding the cake in her hand, took a bite and said slowly, "No hurry, think slowly... I'll eat it for a while."

When you think about what to say, and when to tell her.

Fengqing was suddenly at a loss.

He walked over slowly and leaned beside her, "I'll say whatever you want to hear, okay?"

In this way, you won't say anything wrong...

Chacha stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth.

Wu Liuliu rolled her eyes, she raised her hand, dragged him onto the bed, and then took the initiative to nestle in his arms.

woo, that's what she was waiting for!

So cute!

Feng Qing was startled, looked at the person in his arms in astonishment, stretched out his hand and clasped him tightly.

Why are you so proactive?

His eyes flashed slightly.

always felt that something happened that he didn't know.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha restrained her expression and said in a serious manner, "I ask you a question, you have to tell me honestly!"

Fengqing was a little stunned by her words.

"You ask." his little emperor happy? Still not happy?

Is he here to ask the teacher for sin? Or... are you making a beauty plan? ? ?

Cha Cha looked embarrassed, "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask you, as the first prince of Yue Kingdom, do you know where my miserable proton brother Shangguan Jing is?"

The General    said something right.

The eldest prince, Shangguanjing, must be brought back.

And Yueguo... To be honest, although she is sure to get people out of the hands of the emperor of Yueguo.

But, this is too much trouble.

So, it's better to find a simpler and faster way.

Watery eyes stared straight at Feng Qing.

Fengqing was stunned for a moment, then realized his identity and was known by her

He knew that such a day would come, but he never thought that it would be so soon.

He lowered his eyes with a complicated expression.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hide you, I just didn't know how to speak, I'm afraid you think I'm using you, I..."

"Wait a minute!" Cha Cha interrupted him.

His drooping face was held in both hands.

The two of them looked at each other, Cha Cha said depressedly, "You got the point wrong. I'm asking you if you know where Shangguan Jing is? It's not about your identity..."

Oh, my heart is so tired.

Why is this plane, the people around her, either slow to respond, or dumb...

Or the focus is not in a straight line with her.

Fengqing was stunned, "Shangguanjing?"

Chacha nodded seriously, "Yes, where is Shangguanjing!"

Fengqing looked complicated, "...You don't blame me for hiding my identity? Don't you blame me for not telling you?"

Cha Cha was a little embarrassed to see him so solemn.


Seven shifts.

(end of this chapter)