Chapter 528: Your Majesty is Sweet (37)

Chapter 528 Your Majesty is Sweet (37)

Mentioned the matter of identity, Cha Cha bowed his head in shame.

"Actually, when I asked you to grade the memorial, I guessed a little bit..."

After finishing his words, he was afraid that Feng Qing would think too much and continued.

"However, these are already in the past tense, I care that you like you, it has nothing to do with your identity.

Life is short, why bother with identity issues? "

Her moist eyes were full of light, and she looked at him very seriously.

Fengqing nodded.

She doesn't care about these identity issues, he's better, is he more troubled than her?

Care about these dispensable identities...

The corners of his lips twitched into a smile, and his eyes were clear, "Well, don't worry about this issue."

Oh, she just mentioned Shangguan Jing?

"Are you trying to ask me where Shangguanjing is in Yueguo?"

Hearing that Feng Qing finally touched on a key issue, Cha Cha was very pleased.

Finally, we are talking about Shangguan Jing.

"Yeah, I want to ask you where Shangguanjing is." Cha Cha stared at him with a wink.

As long as she gets Shangguanjing back... oh no, bring Shangguanjing back and she will be free.

There is no need to go to the morning every day from now on.


Her eyes were bright.

Fengqing thought for a while, and then guessed what was on her mind.

"You are planning to..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the person in his arms nodded eagerly, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Snatch him back, and then give him the throne, and I can retire. At that time, no one will know that I am a girl, and by the way, I can preserve the wiseness of the late emperor."

Otherwise, if their identities were revealed, the former emperor and the former queen would probably be scolded by many people.

She estimated that the ministers would rather accept that the emperor they allegiance to was a fool than a woman.

Fengqing sighed slightly, he understood her thoughts, but his expression was a little complicated.

"I know where Shangguanjing is, but you have to be mentally prepared."

Shangguanjing is a proton in Yueguo after all.

Nothing great.

Although no one moved Shangguanjing on the surface, there were many people who bullied him behind the scenes.

In the past, there were many flaws in character.

Let Shangguanjing be the emperor...I'm afraid...

His little emperor takes a lot of thought.

Cha Cha reached out and patted his shoulder, "It doesn't matter, even if he's a waste, I can let someone teach him well!"

Fengqing frowned slightly, "..." To teach the trash to be a Mingjun, his little emperor is afraid that he is in a whimsical way.

Seeing her full of confidence, he was embarrassed to throw cold water.

"Since that's the case, then I'll have someone bring him back to Snow Country." He said.

Cha Cha's eyes lit up, and the hands around his neck added a little strength, "Can you bring him to the Snow Country???"

woo, it's easier than she imagined.

She just wanted to ask for a location from Fengqing, but she didn't expect that he could bring her back directly.

Fengqing met her excited look, nodded, and then, as if he suddenly thought of something, the conversation changed, "It's possible to bring it back to the Snow Country, I guess it will take a lot of work."

He lowered his eyes, slightly embarrassed.

Chachawu's eyes rolled, and he leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth.

Fengqing pressed down the corners of his mouth and remained silent.

Chacha thought for a while, then leaned in and kissed again.

Fengqing, "..." His Majesty, looks like he's very deceiving?

How about... deceive a few more kisses?

He raised his eyes, and his slender fingers clasped her chin quickly and accurately, "I'll help you bring people back, Your Majesty, can you give me a favor?"

Cha Cha nodded dizzily, "Okay..."


One more update

(end of this chapter)