Chapter 529: Your Majesty is Sweet (38)

Chapter 529 Your Majesty is Sweet (38)

Qiu Shui is changing clothes for Cha Cha.

I saw a small flower blooming on her neck.

's face darkened instantly.


One sentence stumbled for a long time, but didn't say it completely.

Your Majesty is still young, how could Young Master Feng do it? ? ?

is not a thing.

Suddenly, Qiushui, like an old father, was worried about his little majesty, how could he be bitten by a dog again!

Chacha knew what she wanted to say and coughed twice.

"Last night... nothing happened, don't think about it."

She explained in a serious manner, and her pretty face gradually turned a bit crimson.

Qiushui rolled her eyes silently in her heart, she just wanted to say, Your Majesty, you are here without three hundred taels of silver.

So obvious when she's stupid?

She shook her head, still couldn't help reminding.

"Your Majesty must stay a little sensible." If you are an ordinary person, you can get married immediately.

But now, His Majesty's identity...


These things are like a mess.

Cha Cha nodded, and then said in a soothing voice, "Don't worry Qiu Shui, this matter will be resolved soon, and when my miserable imperial brother returns, all problems will be resolved."

Qiushui, "..." Your Majesty, what you said is simple.

The premise is... Now I can't even figure out where Shangguanjing is in Yueguo, and Yueguo can't easily let people go...

Where is the solution?

She wanted to say a few more words, but she was afraid of adding trouble to His Majesty.

That’s it.


three days later.

Cha Cha is having a sticky dinner with Feng Qing.

A gust of wind blew past.

Fengqing's face turned cold, and he reached out and hugged Chacha in his arms.

Chacha, oh, there are assassins!


Let me go, I'm going to fight!

The moist eyes are shining, full of eagerness to try.

Fengqing helplessly turned her little face over, "Look at me."

Cha Cha immediately snorted, "No, there are assassins! I want to protect you!"

Let me go!

Qiushui stood there dumbfounded for a while, "???" Thorn, assassin?

Fengqing grabbed her two little hands that were dangling.

His eyes were full of helplessness.

"Good boy, not an assassin!"

Chacha, "???" isn't an assassin?


She lowered her eyes, her eyes full of disappointment.

Not being an assassin means you can't fight, alas, she's getting bored in the palace.

Fengqing aside from sticking with her all day long, he is grading memorials and helping her handle state affairs.

She was too embarrassed to let him take the time to hang out with her.

Fengqing raised his hand and touched Chacha's little head distressedly, "Then next time I will ask my subordinates to put in a few assassins for you to play with, okay?"

Hearing this, Cha Cha was stunned.

jumped off him and pulled away from him, his eyes filled with accusations.

"I mean, why is the palace so peaceful, it turns out that you let people get rid of the assassins who wanted to come in?"

Fengqing nodded, "Yeah." The people under him dealt with many assassins.

Chacha was very angry, but he couldn't lose his temper at him, and said sullenly, "Don't use assassins next time! Let me practice my hands."

Wow, she has lost a lot of joy these days.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Feng Qing helplessly followed her words.

Since she wants to fight assassins, then follow her.

The next assassin who popped up, let him keep it.

Qiushui listened with a confused expression.

Still playing like this?

Why did she suddenly feel sorry for those assassins?


fell into the hands of His Majesty, even worse.

The assassin who was remembered, "..." shivering, young, pitiful, and helpless.


Two more.

(end of this chapter)