Chapter 530: Your Majesty is Sweet (39)

Chapter 530 Your Majesty is Sweet (39)

Cha Cha and Feng Qing chatted a few more times.

Feng Qing said coldly, "Come out!"

Cha Cha immediately stared straight at the open space not far away, exuding a bit of murderous intent.

It was this dark guard who wiped out her happiness!

Don't say anything, let's fight!


The dark guard under Feng Qing's hand appeared, and at the same time threw the person in his hand to the ground.

The movement is not gentle, it is as rigid as a machine.

"Master, bring it to Shangguan Jing."

Chacha's fierce mood disappeared immediately after hearing this.

She looked at the quiet mass on the ground in astonishment, Shangguan Jing? ? ?

The original owner's miserable brother?

She hurriedly leaned over and glanced at it, uh, disheveled?

Are you sure it's her royal brother?

She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch it.

The next moment.

was stopped by Feng Qing, who pulled the restless Cha Cha back into his arms.

Feng Qing said softly, "Stay away from him for now."

Shangguanjing, the mood is probably not normal.

Chacha gave him a puzzled look, without saying a word, silently looking at the group on the ground.

Fengqing waved his hand to signal the dark guard to unlock Shangguanjing's sealed acupoint.

The dark guard took a step forward and untied the person.

The next moment.

Shangguan Jing made two squeaks, his whole body shivered and shrank into a ball, his eyes were full of fear.

Cha Cha, "..." Suddenly I understood what Feng Qing meant.

Even understood Feng Qing's embarrassed look when she swore that she would give the throne to Shangguanjing, and when she succeeded in retiring.

I see.

The miserable royal brother was really raised as a waste.


She looked at Shangguan Jing, who was shrinking on the ground, with a resentful look on her face.

I was heartbroken to the extreme.

Qiushui watched for a long time, stunned.

But at this time, she can understand that this person is the real Shangguan Jing, just because his face is five points similar to His Majesty.

The rest doesn’t need to be said more…

Cha Cha fell into Feng Qing’s arms with a headache, woo, how can this be good?

Fengqing smiled clearly and touched her little head, "Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, follow the previous plan, and I will be there for everything."

No matter what you do, no matter what the final result is, I will clean up the mess for you.

Cha Cha held his face, "..." Woo, why aren't you my imperial brother!

If you are my emperor brother, I can immediately give you the throne, and then I can travel around the world! ! !

Fengqing seemed to see something in her eyes, and sighed helplessly with a dark face, "Don't think about it."

What is inside the small head melon seeds?

Fengqing waved back the dark guard.

Suddenly, only the four of them remained.

Chacha looked at Qiushui, and then at Shangguanjing, who was shivering. She became more and more depressed. She patiently said softly, "Brother Huang? I, I'm your younger brother! This is the Snow Country, don't be afraid..."


Shangguan Jing was even more panicked.

He hugged his legs with his hands, bowed his head, and said nothing, his body shrank even more.

Chacha, "..." A good prince of the Snow Kingdom, how could it be like this?

She tilted her head and stared at Fengqing fiercely.

Fengqing immediately said righteously, "...I have never bullied him, and I occasionally saw him being bullied, and I even managed to save him twice."

I am innocent!

Cha Cha hummed twice and discussed with Qiushui again.

I plan to let Xia Yue come over to serve Shangguan Jing, so take it slow first.

Well, Xia Yue has a good temper and is gentle.

Autumn Water…

She was afraid of Qiu Shui's extreme energy, so she slapped her with a slap...

In this situation, let alone being a Mingjun, let Shangguanjing stop being so repulsive of the people around him, I'm afraid it will take a long time.


Three shifts

(end of this chapter)