Chapter 542: Your Majesty is Sweet (End)

Chapter 542 Your Majesty is Sweet (End)

Originally, he had planned to take time to come and see her, but when Shangguan Jing ascended the throne, he guessed that she also had something to deal with.

He was afraid that she would be distracted, so he waited for a few days.

These days have been extremely difficult.

Now, after finally hugging someone, he naturally won't let go.

The next day.

Until noon.

Chacha didn't even come out of the side hall.

Shangguan Jing was slightly surprised.

Even if she sleeps late, she won't sleep until noon.

He walked towards the side hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the temple, he was stopped by the autumn water.

"Your Majesty, it's not very convenient..."

Shangguanjing's footsteps paused slightly, his delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, "What is inconvenient?"

He looked at his brother, what's the inconvenience?

Qiushui's face turned red, and he didn't know how to explain it.

She can't say, last night... last night...

Shangguanjing was in doubt, a light cough came from the side hall, which seemed to be a deliberate sound.

This is not the sound of Chacha.

Immediately afterwards, Shangguanjing's expression changed, "Fengqing is here?"

Qiushui lowered his head and said, "Yes."

Shangguanjing, "..."

The dignified crown prince of Yueguo, he is really brave enough to enter his Snow Kingdom Palace alone!


After half an hour.

Shangguanjing sat in the side hall, his face darkening.

Fengqing on the opposite side is holding tea and feeding the porridge with gentle movements.

for a long time.

He seemed to be unable to bear it, and said, "You..."

"We're fine. If there's nothing wrong, don't bother us."

Fengqing did not change his face, and said lightly, with a calm and elegant posture.

After drinking a mouthful of porridge, Chacha raised his eyes and glanced at Shangguanjing, with a bit of doubt on his face, as if asking him: Why don't you leave?

woo, don't affect her relationship with Feng Qing.

I haven't seen Feng Qing for two months, she misses him very much.

She lowered her head and drank another mouthful of porridge. She would eat whatever Feng Qing fed her, and she looked good and soft.

Wet eyes, looking at Feng Qing's heart softened.

Shangguanjing only felt that his heart was blocked.

He gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Fengqing, I just want to ask you, what is your plan?"

Fengqing gave him a look, "Naturally, marry her back, and live with her for a lifetime, spoil her for a lifetime, and love her for a lifetime."

The person he finally abducted, could he still let go?

Shangguan Jing snorted coldly.

"He's a man. As the Prince of the Moon Kingdom, it's a fool's errand to want to marry a man!"

His voice just fell.

Fengqing looked at Shangguanjing like a fool, with sympathy in his eyes, "Who told you that she is a man?"

For so long, didn't he realize that Cha Cha was a little girl?

A short sentence is like five thunders hitting the top.

Shangguanjing looked at the person in Feng Qing's arms in shock, the young man with red lips and white teeth, soft and well-behaved...

Wet eyes can make people even heart melt at a glance.

Yes, how can such a person be a man? ? ?

At this moment, it seems that the things that were messed up before have found the key point, everything is very clear at this moment.

She is his sister?

His sister...

Shangguanjing walked out of the side hall with dull eyes, his whole person was confused.

For a while, he couldn't accept this fact.

Chacha stuck out a small head, looked at Shangguanjing's back, and said softly, "Fengqing? He seems very unhappy..." Shouldn't he be stimulated again?

Fengqing, "It's okay, he just wants to understand it himself."

Cha Cha nodded, "By the way, I plan to marry you as the Snow Country Princess, what do you think?"

Fengqing raised his eyebrows, "I think it's fine."


One more update.

There is another chapter on this plane.

(end of this chapter)