Chapter 543 Extra Story

After half a month.

The Princess of the Snow Kingdom and the Prince of the Moon Kingdom are married.

The two countries have a good relationship between Qin and Jin.

The Prince of the Moon Kingdom, many people know that he was the most favored eldest prince before the Emperor of the Moon Kingdom.

And the princess of the snow country...

Many people have doubts.

After all, not even the ministers of Snow Country knew when Snow Country had a princess.

Shangguanjing did not explain this.

It’s just that the dowry has been added layer after layer.

is enough to show how much he values ​​this princess.

On the day of marriage.

His Royal Highness of the Moon Kingdom came to the Snow Country to greet him in person, and the Great General of the Snow Country personally escorted him along the way.

The scene is spectacular.

General    glanced at Fengqing with mixed feelings, then turned to look at Her Royal Highness in the carriage.

"..." Who would have thought that his sincere Majesty was actually a little princess?

Looking back on the past, the general sighed again and again.

That's all, now I just hope that the princess and the prince of Yueguo will be able to love each other and grow old.

After this, there is probably no need to worry about any war between the two countries.

As for him, he will help the new emperor well in the future.

Think about the rest of the inconvenience.


Yueguo East Palace.

Cha Cha sat there quietly, Qiushui beside him swayed the rest of the maids.

Immediately afterwards, she heard her master's resentful voice.

"Autumn Water, hurry up, find me something to eat!"

Tired and hungry.

When the words fell, she raised her hand to lift the red hijab, but was stopped by Qiu Shui's quick eyes and hands.

"Master, wait for His Royal Highness to lift the red hijab with his own hands."

Chacha, "..." OK, wait for him.

Qiushui found some cakes and handed them to Chacha.

This made her master quiet for a while.

Fortunately, Feng Qing didn't make her wait too long, and walked in quickly.

At that time, the pastry in Chacha's hand was just finished.

Qiu Shui turned around and silently prepared for a glass of wine, then stepped back and closed the door tightly.

Hearing the footsteps, she immediately waved to Feng Qing, "Come here quickly."

Fengqing walked over with a smile and raised his hijab with his slender fingers.

His eyes were fixed on Ruyu's face that was close at hand, and the person he was thinking about finally became his person justifiably.

Chacha glanced at him and muttered, "Hurry up and take off all these hairpins for me, it's so heavy."

Tired and hungry and sleepy.

"it is good."

Fengqing gently helped her to pluck them one by one, and her long hair like ink fell down.

makes her pretty face petite.

Cha Cha whispered again, covered his mouth and yawned, his dark eyes were stained with water and wet.

Fengqing brought two glasses of wine and said warmly, "My dear, drink the wine first, and then go to bed."

"Okay." Cha Cha nodded obediently, and the eyelids began to fight.

is obviously sleepy.

Fengqing saw her appearance, and hurriedly handed a glass of wine to her hand.

Have a glass of wine.

Cha Cha shuddered all over, her jade-like face quickly dyed a blush.

She looked at Feng Qing in front of her, stretched out her hand to squeeze his face, and muttered, "Don't shake it!"

Fengqing raised his hand and hugged the person in his arms, looking at the person in his arms with a subtle expression.

This amount of really cute.

He shook his head, full of helplessness.

"Good, lie down and sleep."

"Well, go to sleep." With slender fingers, they pulled Feng Qing's clothes in a very gentle manner.

Fengqing was startled, and looked at the little drunk in his arms doubtfully.

"What are you doing?"

Chacha confidently said, "Sleep! Didn't you take off your clothes before going to bed?"

Hearing this, the corners of Feng Qing's lips moved slightly, his dark eyes became deeper and deeper, and even his voice became hoarse, "It makes sense, I'll help you."

The little drunk nodded with a smile, shrank his hands, and lay down in his arms obediently, "Okay!"

Let someone do whatever they want...

(end of this chapter)