Chapter 545: sorry i'm a girl (2)

Chapter 545 Sorry, I'm a Girl (2)

When Lu Jingming came out of the bathroom.

All you see is a small group rolling on the bed.

Like a little wild cat.

After only one glance, he quickly retracted his gaze and muttered in his heart.

How can a boy act like a girl?

Soft and weak, soft into a ball.

What does this look like?

Chacha sensed the footsteps, and quickly stopped, sat up from the bed and looked at Lu Jingming.


She saw Lu Jingming turn around and take something, and left without looking back.

Cha Cha snorted twice.

It doesn't matter, it's going to be a long time coming to Japan anyway.

They now live in the same dormitory, and the relationship can be cultivated slowly.

She crawled off the bed, hurried to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.

She in the mirror has short hair and a small face the size of a palm. She is white and pretty. Fortunately, this face has a bit of heroism.

As long as her aura was a little colder, no one would think too much.

woo, he looks like a little white face.

She turned around and went through Lu Jingming's information in her mind again.

Lu Jingming is different from other rich second generation.

He is several generations richer than the other rich second generation, and has a rich family background. In City A, he can be regarded as a famous wealthy family.

But his parents' marriage was a joint marriage, and there was no emotion.

Frequent quarrels in his childhood left a deep shadow on him.

Even now, he is full of fear of marriage, and even never touches girls, and starts to resist from the bottom of his heart.

After Lu Jingming entered this school, many girls confessed to him.

But every time.

He was all very indifferent.

After a long time, no one dared to confess to him again.

Confession failure is not scary, what is scary is... being ignored by the other party with an extremely indifferent attitude...

After getting this information.

Chacha immediately understood the benefits of his current status.

It seems that the system is quite reliable?

Then she misunderstood the system before?

Hey, she apologized.

The system is not pitted at all, the system is awesome!

She chatted with Qiqi a few more times, then turned around and left the dormitory, planning to go outside to find something delicious.

As we all know, there must be a lot of delicious food near the school.

Anyway, Lu Jingming is not very familiar with her now, so let's fill his stomach first!

People are iron rice and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry and you will have the strength to complete the task when you fill your stomach!

Cha Cha ran out of the bedroom excitedly.

Following Qiqi's directions, he left the school and found a street near the school.

This street is known as a food street.

As soon as we walked over, Chacha was attracted by various delicacies.

As expected of a food street!


Qiqi just watched his tea and tea in the food street for an hour...

This appetite will really scare the male lead away.

After eating and drinking, Cha Cha squinted his eyes and touched his belly, and walked back slowly.

So happy, she couldn't help sighing.

In this world, only food can't live up to it.

Oh, something doesn't seem right?


In this world, only food and male protagonists can't live up to it!

Well, that's it.

Just took a few steps, a figure ran quickly by her side, Cha Cha was stunned, and then, a hurried voice came from behind her, "Catch the thief!"

Qiqi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said righteously, [Ah, ah, the host rushed to the duck! 】

Cha Cha rushed over with a bewildered look on his face.

kicked the person to the ground with one kick.

【The host is brave in seeing righteousness, it's awesome! Blow up, the tea with justice and beauty coexisting! 】

Chacha lowered his head a little embarrassedly, "..." Actually, when he rushed out, it was because of Qiqi's shouting.

She hadn't reacted to what happened, and the whole person had already rushed out.


Four more

See you tonight

(end of this chapter)