Chapter 546: sorry i'm a girl (3)

Chapter 546 Sorry, I'm a Girl (3)


A tall, beautiful girl ran over panting.

"Thank, thank you..."

The sound is pleasant to the ear.

Chacha winked at her.

Well, she looks pretty good.

Immediately afterwards, the girl kicked the thief **** the ground.

Then he bent down and grabbed his wallet from him, making sure that the contents were still there, and he was relieved.

The girl continued to make tea and thank you.

If it wasn't for this kind little brother in front of me, I might have lost my wallet, it doesn't matter if I lost the money, the ID card and so on are all inside, and it would be very troublesome to renew it...

"Little brother, what's your name? You have helped me so much, leave me your contact information, and I will invite you to dinner tomorrow!"

Cha Cha tilted his head and thought for a while, "..."

The girl saw him thinking seriously and began to look carefully.

With a clear appearance, fair skin, and delicate facial features, he has to sigh at the miracle of the Creator. Such a little brother, placed in a group of people, is the most dazzling existence.

Happily, when thinking seriously, his head is slightly crooked.

She trembled, "!!!"

Little brother looks so cute!

How can there be such a cute boy!

The thief who fell to the ground took advantage of the two people's inattentive efforts, got up and ran away.

But just took a step away.

Chacha's eyes are quick and hands are fast, and he kicks again, and his movements are neat and tidy!

The man fell to the ground again, howling.

This time, Cha Cha's face was full of shyness, tsk, without the reminder of Qi Qi, I reacted very quickly!

The girl looked remorseful, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my lack of vigilance, I'll call the police."

She found her phone and called.

The people from the police said they would be there soon.

Cha Cha wanted to lift her feet and leave, thinking that if she left, the thief might have to run away again.

Forget it, for the sake of her rare act of righteousness, she is here waiting for the police with a little stupid girl.

Don't ask her why she didn't send people directly to the police.

She's lazy...

She didn't want to run back and forth.

The thief on the ground secretly glanced at the boy who kicked him to the ground twice in a row.

looks soft and weak, like a little white face, but he is so ruthless.

noticed his gaze.

Chacha gave him a fierce look, and then tugged at his sleeve, "Looking for a fight!"

Thief, "..." Damn, it's not fierce enough!

He actually fell into the hands of a little white face!

Good gas!

The girl next to   's eyes kept glowing, "!!!" The little brother is so handsome!

The fierce look is like a small milk dog.

"Hello, I, my name is Fengluo."

Chacha glanced at her, saw that she was not malicious, and said with a sullen face, "An Cha."

Fengluo, "My little brother's name is really nice."

The two chatted a few more words, Feng Luo obviously felt that the younger brother had a light attitude and had no other emotions.

Fengluo fell into self-doubt.

Is it because you are not beautiful enough?

Little brother is not happy to even take a look?

Or did you say your thanks wasn't sincere enough?

Fengluo was confused.

The two waited for a while, and Feng Luo felt a little embarrassed.

The little brother helped her catch the thief, and asked the little brother to accompany her here and wait for the police.

She rummaged and rummaged in her pocket, and finally came out a handful of melon seeds.

The little hand trembled and handed it over, "Little brother? Why don't you eat melon seeds to pass the time?"

Cha Cha, with a sullen face, looked down lightly, "... um."

She stretched out her hand to take the melon seeds, and calmly leaned against a pillar and nibbled the melon seeds.

pondered in his heart: The boy's personality cannot be collapsed, he must be calm, calm, and calm.


Five more

(end of this chapter)