Chapter 547: sorry i'm a girl (4)

Chapter 547 Sorry, I'm a Girl (4)

Cha Cha finished pondering, and then looked down at the trembling thief.

Immediately added another one to the character set just concluded, and occasionally even fierce!

Yes, it will be like this from now on!

Fengluo clearly felt that the little brother in front of her was in a much better mood after knocking a handful of melon seeds.

She whispered in her heart: Does my little brother like to eat melon seeds?

didn't wait for her to think about it.

The police came and took the thief away.

The thief was a habitual offender and had stolen a lot of things, but every time he was caught, he was like a loach, running fast.

It is also a good thing to be caught now.

Fengluo talked about the matter once and took notes on the spot.

This matter is resolved.

Then, as soon as she turned her head, she saw her little brother staring at the sugar gourd not far away.

's moist eyes almost wrote his thoughts on the bright side.

Fengluo rushed over immediately and seized the opportunity, "This candied fruit is very authentic, I invite you to eat a bunch to taste it!"

Cha Cha nodded, his face tensed.

Obviously I really want to eat it, and I have to make a look that I don’t really want to eat it.

Seeing Fengluo softened her heart.

Immediately bought two strings of candied haws, one for each person.

Received the tea from Tang Hulu, and the corners of his lips that had been pursed ticked, "…"


Very happy.

This young lady is not only beautiful, but also very nice.

Chacha took a bite of the candied haws, wow, the taste is really authentic!

She blinked, looked at Fengluo, and asked, "Are you familiar with the food here?"

Hearing the food, Fengluo nodded immediately and said with confidence, "Yes! Not only do I know the various delicacies in this food street, I also know the various delicacies near the school!"

Chacha, "Oh, then let's add a friend."

You can make an appointment for dinner later.

woo, you can also lead the way, and you can also avoid some bad food.

Fengluo bit the sweet candied haws and almost cried.

Unexpectedly, a bunch of candied haws deceived my little brother's contact information.

So happy, if I had known, she would have bought candied haws for my little brother earlier.

She excitedly took out her phone and added Chacha as a friend.

Then the two walked all the way to the school.

Walking along, Feng Luo asked a few more questions.

Chacha, who is in a great mood, basically answered everything.

Few words.

Fengluo is almost happy.

What is fate?

Fate is that my little brother is going back to the dormitory now.

She also has to go back to the bedroom.

Then, their bedrooms were very close together, and there was only a road between the male and female bedrooms.

What kind of fairy fate is this?

Qiqi, […] This plot… I always feel that something is not right? ? ?

Not long after walking, Cha Cha finished eating the candied haws.

She glanced at Fengluo, who was still eating candied haws, and kept walking silently without saying a word.

Anyway, we are going back to the bedroom now.

They seemed to say that the bedrooms were very close.

Let’s do it together.

When the two of them walked downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

Feng Luo looked shy, "Thank you."

Chacha, "...You're welcome, I helped you, and you invited me to eat candied haws, even if the two were cleared."

Hearing the words, Feng Luo didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, but felt that this kind of boy who made the relationship clear is the righteous gentleman.

She couldn't help but look at Cha Cha again, "You must have just come to school not long ago. You should not be familiar with this place. Will I bring you some food tomorrow morning? I will wait for you here."

Chacha thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

not far away.

Lu Jingming, who came back from outside, from a long distance, he saw his new roommate getting close to a girl...

Six more.

Lu Jingming: Jealous? nonexistent!

(end of this chapter)