Chapter 548: sorry i'm a girl (5)

Chapter 548 Sorry, I'm a Girl (5)

When Cha Cha returned to the bedroom.

Lu Jingming hasn't come back yet.

She just pulled up the chair and sat down, and within half a minute, the door was pushed open.

Lu Jingming walked in indifferently.

is written all over the body: Don't mess with me, I'm in a bad mood!

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at him for a while.

didn't quite understand his mood changes.

However, he doesn't take the initiative to speak, and she won't take the initiative to speak for the time being.

After a long time.

Qiqi suddenly reminded.

【Chacha, it's getting late, hurry up to wash up and sleep! 】

Cha Cha nodded, "Mmmm."

She stood up and walked to the suitcase, and suddenly her face changed.

She turned around and looked at Lu Jingming in astonishment.


The moist eyes are full of daze.

After three seconds.

Chacha dragged the suitcase into the bathroom.

woo, some clothes can't be seen by him, crying, this first night... It's so shameful, what will she do in the future?

This is a male bed...

She is so miserable.

and from the same time.

Lu Jingming's body temperature dropped suddenly.

Is there anything shameful in the suitcase? So you avoided him?

The image of the new roommate standing with a girl suddenly flashed in his mind. He frowned and silently labelled the new roommate: Hua Xin Nan.

Just came to school, and you hooked up with a girl so quickly?

The only favorability rating dropped.

Not sure why, Lu Jingming felt a little panic in his heart.

He tilted his head and glanced at the closed bathroom.

's face became more and more indifferent.

Cha Cha, who had just found out his clothes, and the suitcase hadn't been pulled yet, Qi Qi hurriedly reminded him.

【Ouch, Cha Cha, Lu Jingming's favorability to you has actually dropped! How to do? This is the first day...]

Qiqi was so anxious that she was about to cry.

How can this be?

Originally, I didn't have a good impression, but now it's gone...

Cha Cha calmly pulled up the suitcase and comforted, "Don't be afraid, it will come back in the future."

In the previous plane, Qiqi was not nervous, why are you so nervous this time?

Alas, the system upgrade, even with Qiqi has become stupid.

She shook her head and sighed.

Feeling distressed for seventy-seven-three seconds.

Cha Cha finished taking a shower, fastened the corset, put on a pair of pajamas, covered his legs, covered his arms, made sure there was no problem, then opened the bathroom door and went out.

She silently dragged the suitcase back to its original place.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jingming walked into the bathroom without looking sideways.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

Next second.

Cha Cha's face changed, she stood up suddenly, ran towards the bathroom quickly, and broke in before Lu Jingming closed the door.

She pushed Lu Jingming out of the bathroom with a bit of apology on her face, "Wait, wait, wait for me..."

One sentence stumbling, obviously very nervous.

Before Lu Jingming could speak, Cha Cha hurriedly closed the bathroom door, blocking Lu Jingming from the door, and then looked back tremblingly at the clothes he took off.


This day...I can't get through it.

She stared at her clothes in a daze, her little head drooping, lost in thought.

"Qiqi, can I change my identity?"

Qiqi, [No, but you can clarify things with Lu Jingming. Of course, according to the current data, if you identify that you are a girl, Lu Jingming may directly take you out of the window on the third floor. Throw it down. 】

Cha Cha rolled his clothes into a ball with a black face, and then hugged him out.

She would wait for Lu Jingming to fall asleep, or when he was not in the dormitory, before throwing the clothes into the washing machine and drying them.

Otherwise, throw it in now, what if Lu Jingming turns on the washing machine?


Seven shifts.

Good night

(end of this chapter)