Chapter 550: sorry i'm a girl (7)

Chapter 550 Sorry, I'm a girl (7)

Chacha just felt inexplicable.

tilted his head, turned around and picked up the phone, stomped out of the room, and happily came to the downstairs of the bedroom.

She saw Fengluo standing there waiting for her at a glance.

Chacha, "!!!"

I'm so happy!

She hurried over with a smile on her face.

When    quickly ran to Fengluo, Chacha seemed to have thought of something, so he quickly restrained his emotions.

woo, be calm, be calm.

Her steps slowly slowed down and came to Feng Luo.

couldn't stop looking at the breakfast in her hand, it smelled delicious, it must be delicious.

Feng Luo blushed, handed the breakfast in her hand to Cha Cha, and whispered, "I don't know what you like to eat, I bought several."

Chacha took over the breakfast, with an uncontrollable smile between her brows and eyes, she praised, "You are so cute!"

Fengluo is the cutest girl she has ever seen in so many planes!

Fengluo was startled, and her face turned even redder.

"you you……"

Chacha blinked and looked at Fengluo in confusion, "I'm praising you???" Why are you so nervous?

Next second.

She saw Feng Luoshuo turn around and ran away.

Chacha's head is full of question marks, "..."


"Qiqi? Why did I praise her cuteness and she ran away?"

Qiqi, [This question...I don't know either. 】

"Okay." Cha Cha slowly walked to the bedroom with breakfast.

She really doesn't plan to go to class.

After breakfast, you can continue to lie down and sleep.

Wow, so beautiful.

Qiqi was lost in thought, […………] What should I do to get the host to go to class?

Lu Jingming opened the door and bumped into Cha Cha who came back from outside.

Cha Cha brought the breakfast in his hands to Lu Jingming with a smile, "Look if there is anything you like here, I'll treat you to breakfast!"

Lu Jingming took a step back and let her go into the bedroom.

looked over, and he frowned suddenly, "You didn't buy these breakfasts, right?"

Cha Cha paused and looked back at him, his eyes full of surprise, "How do you know?"

Lu Jingming let out a cold snort, turned around and left without looking back, a bit of anger was evident on his face, and even the door was slammed shut by him, making a harsh sound.

The shocked Cha Cha stood there for a while.

looked confused.

I don't understand what's going on with Lu Jingming.

"Qiqi, I think... he has a problem with his brain." Are you not happy to invite him to breakfast?

Qiqi weakly followed.

Lu Jingming walked out of the bedroom, his eyes were cold.

His new roommate is not only a philanderer, but also a little white face who eats soft rice!

It will take a lot of time to buy so many breakfasts. Among them, the two stores for steamed buns and fried dough sticks are in the opposite direction.

It was clearly the girl last night who bought it after running around.

He couldn't think of any other reason other than the close relationship that he would spend so much thought and time on...

Aware of this problem, Lu Jingming's face turned colder.

at the same time.

in the bedroom.

Chacha found that there was still a bunch of candied haws in the breakfast.

"!!! Qiqi, you say, why is there such a cute girl? I just helped her get her wallet back, and she was so kind to me?"

Chacha's eyes brightened, and he said solemnly, "Fengluo will be the person I cover in the future! With me here, I will never let anyone bully her!"

Looking at the sworn host, Qiqi fell silent.


It saw that its host picked up the phone and sent the breakfast money to Fengluo, and Qiqi fell into autism.

Oh, maybe in a while, Fengluo will shut up with it.


Second shift, see you in the afternoon.

Fengluo: I want to chase you, but you treat me as a little brother? ? ? Could you please re-understand my gender? Girls chase boys, not to be boys! ! ! !

(end of this chapter)