Chapter 551: sorry i'm a girl (8)

Chapter 551 Sorry, I'm a girl (8)

Feng Luo delivered breakfast and entered the classroom with a blushing face.

The roommate who was sitting with her immediately made a joke.

"Fengluo, when will we also see the brave little brother?"

His already blushing face turned a little red when he heard the words.

"Don't talk nonsense, we have nothing to do with it yet..."

The roommate continued to joke, "It doesn't matter that you still run so far and spend so much time buying him breakfast?"

"Oh, I know, I know, you just don't want us to see your little brother, for fear that we will steal someone from you!"

Feng Luo's face turned, not wanting to talk to a few roommates.

She found the phone in her pocket and wanted to ask how the breakfast tasted.

If he likes it, she can continue to buy it tomorrow.

Which, as soon as the phone was taken out, I saw a message prompt.

She clicked in in surprise.

Next second.

The smile on   's little face instantly solidified, she stared straight at the breakfast money sent by Cha Cha, and her whole person was not well.

Teardrops began to spin in the eye sockets, as if they would fall in the next second.

Is this rejecting her?

Fengluo bit her lip and turned to look at her roommate, "He... he transferred the money for breakfast to me, what does that mean?"

Roommates, "..." This may be a straight man of steel.

"Be good, don't cry, feel free to continue flirting, sisters help you!"


Fengluo nodded tearfully and made a cheer gesture!


Chacha after breakfast, lying in bed is a day.

It wasn't until dusk that he woke up.

was so frightened that Qiqi quickly checked the host's physical condition.

【Chacha, you have slept for so long, is there any discomfort? 】

Chacha, "No, maybe you just want to sleep, Qiqi, don't think too much."

She was just a little tired and wanted to sleep.

Alas, I want to be a salted fish that eats, drinks and has fun...

She got off the bed.

Lu Jingming just opened the door and walked in.

When he saw his new roommate getting out of bed, he frowned fiercely, and walked to his bed with a cold snort.

Chacha, "..." What did I do?

Qiqi said at the right time, [Maybe because you didn't go to class Chacha, the male protagonist prefers roommates who study hard! 】

Cha Cha's face darkened, "Don't talk, don't think I don't know you're trying to trick me into class!"

Although there is no end to learning, she has been learning for several lifetimes.

Can you give her a break?

She doesn't want to be a scholar now, she just wants to be a scumbag with no future.

She thought for a moment.

Thinking about the current situation of the two of them is not a solution.

She took the initiative to walk over and leaned in front of Lu Jingming.

"Student Lu? What are you going to eat tonight? Let's go together!"

Lu Jingming glanced at her lightly and said nothing.

Xiao Bailian took the initiative to talk to him, it was definitely not a good thing.

He just ignored her.

Cha Cha waited for half a minute, and saw that he was ignoring her with his eyes lowered, his face stunned.

She stretched out her hand, tugged at the corner of his clothes, tilted her head and asked in confusion, "Why are you ignoring me? Did I offend you?"

After all, it was a love that slept together, how could you treat her like this?

How to say that the two of them are now roommates, and they will see each other in the future. At least they have to have a superficial relationship?

Lu Jingming lowered his eyes and glanced at the corner of the clothes that she was holding in his hand, and his eyes wandered for a while.

Her hands were slender, slender and tender.

At first glance, it doesn't look like a boy's hand, and he thought to himself: The little white face of the new roommate was really pampered.

He frowned, pulled the corner of his shirt back from her hand, and said coldly, "Go to your little girlfriend, don't talk to me!"


Three shifts, see you tonight

(small theater)

Lu Jingming: You go! You go to your little girlfriend and ignore me!

Chacha: Oh, then I'm leaving.

Lu Jingming:…………You really don’t love me anymore.

Chacha:  …

(end of this chapter)