Chapter 553: sorry i'm a girl (10)

Chapter 553 Sorry, I'm a Girl (10)

The information that flashed through his mind was subconsciously abandoned by Lu Jingming, and he didn't want to capture it at all.

He glanced again at the new roommate who was standing there motionless.

"..." Why is he so dumb?

is not afraid of being abducted and sold.

at this moment.

Lu Jingming completely forgot the labels he had put on people: Hua Xin Nan, Xiao Bai Lian, Eating Soft Rice...

These tags seem to have never appeared.

In his eyes, the new roommate: he looks stupid and a little stupid.

The new roommate who is stupid and dull needs him to pay a little more attention to her.

If you are not careful, you may be abducted by other girls.

He frowned and couldn't help looking up at his little roommate.

"Don't ask her out, I'll be with you."

Cha Cha held the phone, stared at Lu Jingming for a while, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

After all, this was the first time Lu Jingming asked her, so she reluctantly agreed.

Otherwise he would be miserable by himself.

And there is a little problem with the brain, which is not the same as normal people.

As a roommate, she has to take care of him.

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Today is another day when the two feel each other's brains are not good.


The two left the bedroom one after the other.

didn't take a few steps.

Cha Cha quickened his pace and walked side by side with Lu Jingming.

It was twilight at the moment, and the rays of the sun were full of mildness.

Outside the dormitory, there are students coming and going everywhere.

The two had just left the dormitory building, and before they walked a few steps, Cha Cha heard a familiar female voice, "An Cha!"


Someone called her.

She turned her head, followed the sound, and saw Fengluo standing not far away.

Chacha waved at her with a faint smile on his face.

Fengluo ran towards her with a happy expression on her face.

"What a coincidence!" Cha Cha said, how do you feel that you can meet her as soon as you go out the door?

Hearing the words, Feng Luo lowered her head embarrassedly, "Unfortunately, I'm waiting for you here..."

waits until you come down and calls your name.

Chacha's eyes became slightly subtle, and she glanced at Lu Jingming quietly. Seeing that his expression was normal, he continued, "Why are you waiting for me?"

Fengluo took a deep breath and gathered up her courage.

"...Didn't we say we'll go to eat delicious food together? I-I'm very familiar with the neighborhood of the school."

This is her first time chasing someone, and her first time falling for a boy.

No matter what, she will stick to what she believes.

Although, we only knew each other for a short day.

But Fengluo can be sure that the little brother in front of him is different from other boys.

is handsome and has a sense of justice, a gentleman without losing his demeanor.

Sometimes, it also brings a little cuteness.

Well, it seems that you can switch back and forth between the little wolf dog and the little milk dog?

Chacha was in a dilemma when he heard Fengluo's words.

She also wanted to bring Fengluo with her.


Lu Jingming doesn't like girls, and he still has some resistance to girls.

And just because she had contact with Fengluo, she almost caused a misunderstanding, which made Lu Jingming have a bad attitude towards her.

It was not easy for the relationship to ease up a bit.

She felt...if she brought Fengluo with her, Lu Jingming would probably throw her out of the window while she was sleeping tonight...

But if you don't call Feng Luo together, you will be a little sorry for Feng Luo standing here for so long.

Chacha suddenly felt that if she could do the clone technique, she could solve this problem perfectly.

So now the question is, what should she do?

The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment...

There seemed to be a deadlock between the three of them.


Five more.

(end of this chapter)