Chapter 554: sorry i'm a girl (11)

Chapter 554 Sorry, I'm a Girl (11)

Fengluo had a smile on her face at first.

Soon, after she realized that the person standing beside Cha Cha was Lu Jingming, she subconsciously took two steps back.

glanced at Lu Jingming with some fear.

Lu Jingming is notoriously indifferent to girls in school.

No matter which girl, he will keep his distance from it.

It can even be said that he doesn't look at girls too much.

Fengluo quietly came to Chacha's side and asked in a low voice, "Why are you with Lu Jingming?"

was in a dilemma when he heard Feng Luo's question.

She explained, "Lu Jingming is my roommate."

Fengluo's eyes were full of surprise, she looked at Lu Jingming, and then at Chacha.

hurriedly cared, "You, he didn't bully you, did he?"

As we all know, Lu Jingming has a bad temper and has a cold face all day long. Whenever he meets him, the surrounding air can be a little colder.

Chacha shook his head, "I didn't bully me, I don't think he can beat me."

She waved her small fist confidently, her eyes full of despair.

On the fight, she will not necessarily lose.

Fengluo nodded reassuringly, "That's right, yesterday, you kicked that thief down with one kick."

Even if Lu Jingming is really good, her little brother is not a vegetarian!

When the time comes, who will bully who will not be sure!

Lu Jingming's expression turned cold as he listened to the conversation between the two of them.

He turned his head, looked at his little roommate, and said coldly, "Didn't you say go to dinner? Are you finished talking?"

chacha, “…”

She looked at Lu Jingming and Feng Luo, and she was a little confused.

She lowered her head a little bewildered.

Seems like this is the first time I've encountered such a thing... um, I don't know what to do...


Her fault, she didn't schedule the time.

didn't expect Fengluo to be waiting for her downstairs.

Fengluo smiled awkwardly, she was not stupid, she soon realized the reason why little brother looked embarrassed from the beginning.

"It's my fault, I didn't tell you in advance... It doesn't matter, you go, we'll make an appointment when we have time in the future."

She can't make her little brother embarrassed.

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, and secretly said: Such a considerate young lady!

Seven-seven, […]

Seeing Chacha looking at Fengluo gently.

Lu Jingming felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He interrupted their conversation coldly, "Let's go together."

We are together now, and both of them happen to be under his nose. If one day I carry him behind my back and go on a date...

Lu Jingming felt that he would be very angry.

Soon, he found a reason for himself.

The little roommate is so stupid, what if he runs out and is kidnapped and sold?

There are a lot of bad guys now. Didn't you hear that girl say that she met a thief yesterday?

So, he has to take a good look at his little roommate.

Lu Jingming automatically ignored the incident of Chacha kicking the thief.

When   chacha heard his agreement, a smile appeared on his face.

"Fengluo, let's be together!" she said cheerfully.

Fengluo nodded in confusion.

Lu Jingming actually asked her to be with the two of them?

This is too incredible, right?

Feng Luo subconsciously pinched herself, oh, it hurts! She is not dreaming.

Then comes the question, Lu Jingming doesn't seem to want to embarrass the little brother, which means... Lu Jingming and the little brother should have a good relationship?

She followed behind the two of them and thought silently for a while.

This question... She really doesn't understand.

After all, my little brother and Lu Jingming should have just met yesterday.

The person I just met, why did Lu Jingming take a step back?

Can't figure it out...

Forget it, chasing little brother is the most important thing!


One more update

(end of this chapter)