Chapter 571: , sorry, i'm a girl (28)

Chapter 571, I'm sorry, I'm a girl (28)

When Lu Jingming heard Cha Cha's words, his face instantly turned black.

"No way!" He categorically stopped.

Cha Cha looked confused, "Why?"

I thank Fengluo, can't I help her peel the shrimp?

Lu Jingming coughed twice, with a face of righteousness, "You are too stupid, you can't peel well, I'll do it!"

Leaving those words behind, he got up and went to get the bowl in front of Fengluo, posing to help her peel the crayfish.

Feng Luo's face changed and changed, and quickly protected her bowl.

"No no no no! I can do it myself!"

she said nervously.

Mom, Lu Jingming peeled crayfish for her?

I'm sorry...he dared to peel it, she dared not to eat it... Fengluo's heart was a little bit painful in order to prove to the two that she could, so she started the road of peeling shrimp by herself.

Fengluo, "..." I always feel that something is weird, as if... being a routine.

But I...have no evidence...

When Lu Jingming lowered his eyes, a faint smile flashed across his eyes.

Everything is in his plan.

During a dinner, Feng Luo was stunned to think that she ate a handful of dog food.

She put down the crayfish with some doubts about her life, and glanced back and forth between Cha Cha and Lu Jingming.

She thought for a moment.

Somehow I feel that if I don’t say something now, I might not have the chance to say it later.

But I'm too embarrassed to say that.

had to euphemistically change the way.

"Chacha, I want two bottles of beer, do you want to go with me?" Feng Luo asked.


Cha Cha nodded, "Okay!"

Lu Jingming, "..." A small smile overflowed from the corners of his lips. Forget it, let's just stare at the little roommate.

If you are not drunk, everything is easy to say, if you are seems not bad?

After a few minutes.

Fengluo was not drunk yet, and Chacha had already poured the wine bottle onto Lu Jingming.

Then he was easily held in his arms.

Fengluo, "..." Suddenly she didn't know what to say.

I was a little confused. I originally planned to drink some casually, and then pretended to be drunk and confessed to Cha Cha, but...

This...she's not drunk yet, little brother is already drunk?

woo, like crying for a while.

The tip of her nose twitched and she looked at the drunk Chacha aggrieved.

Looking at Lu Jingming, he laughed softly, then got up and carried the man on his back.

"Classmate Feng? It's not safe at night, let's go back together."

Fengluo, "..." Your uncle, are you still going to leave me behind?

She followed behind the two of them, and the more she looked, the more her heart felt.

Her little brother... Maybe Lu Jingming had already started before he started.

He just looked at her.

was clearly a little provocative, and when he looked at Cha Cha, there was nostalgia in his eyes, that look... it was not the look of a normal teenager looking at another boy at all.


Chacha wine is quite good, but Lu Jingming was carrying her, she has been sleeping quietly with her eyes closed, motionless.

This situation directly led to the embarrassment between Feng Luo and Lu Jingming.

No one speaks.

Until we got to the bedroom downstairs.

Lu Jingming paused and said solemnly, "She, I am determined to win."

His dark eyes were full of broken light, and his voice was calm and solemn.

Feng Luo, who was still thinking about the situation and couldn't be sure of the situation, felt cold all over at this moment.

She stared blankly at the two of them.

watched Lu Jingming carry the person back into the dormitory building.

Desire to win…

Lu Jingming really likes little brother? ? ?

She stood there dumbfounded, and after a long time, a cool wind blew, barely pulling her sanity back a bit.

Everything that just happened is like a dream...

Looking at the twinkling bedroom building, she chuckled, turned around, and burst into tears.


Fengluo: My little brother was kidnapped! cry! I can't beat my rival...

(end of this chapter)