Chapter 572: sorry i'm a girl (29)

Chapter 572 Sorry, I'm a Girl (29)

Lu Jingming carried the person back to the bedroom.

Just put the person on the bed and turned to look for honey.

In the next second, the little drunk who had been quiet all along swayed up from the bed.

Honey has not yet been found, Lu Jingming, who heard something vaguely, turned around and saw his little roommate pulling the cabinet.

He was stunned for a moment, and quickly stepped forward to support the trembling Cha Cha.

"What are you looking for, I'll help you find it?" He asked helplessly.

Chacha's wet eyes stared at him for a while, then shook his head, "No, I'll find it myself!"

I don't want him to help me find it!

Can't let him find it!

Although the little drunk is not rational, he is used to making trouble.

She couldn't let Lu Jingming find the clothes hidden in the cabinet.

The cabinet was opened, and the little drunk just opened the cabinet and closed it again with a bang.

was so frightened that Lu Jingming hurried to see if her hand was caught.

"You don't move, first..."

"You go out!" Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cha Cha.

Cha Cha turned his head fiercely and stared at Lu Jingming, pointed in the direction of the balcony, and repeated, "You go out!"

Lu Jingming was full of helplessness.

"There's a balcony over there, how do I get out? Jump off the third floor?"

The little drunk doesn't even know how to pity him.

Cha Cha lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then shook her head, "You don't have to jump down, you just stand there and don't move!"

Watery eyes stared straight at Lu Jingming.

Seeing that Lu Jingming did not move.

She reached out.

After pushing and pulling, Lu Jingming was dragged to the balcony.

Lu Jingming, "..." Well, it's up to him.

He stood on the balcony, wondering what the little drunk was going to do next.

He pondered that although the little drunk was very drunk, it shouldn't push him off the balcony.

Cha Cha whispered, " turn around, don't look at the nest, the nest is going to take a bath!"

Lu Jingming, "???"

He turned around suspiciously, and then found the little drunk staring at him with a dark face.

"Don't look at the nest, don't look back!!!" Cha Cha said sharply, "Why are you so disobedient?"

She grumbled in dissatisfaction, and then slapped Lu Jingming's head with a slap.

The force is not heavy, light, and painless.

is like scratching a tickling, and it doesn't have any lethality.

Lu Jingming's face changed slightly. After his little roommate was drunk, his courage became a lot...

Dare to pat him on the head?

Before he could think about it, the little drunk pushed him again, "Turn around! Don't look at the nest!!!"

There was a little impatience in her eyes, "How many times do you want me to say it, I'll tell you, if you dare to turn around and look at the nest, the nest will kick you down..."

Lu Jingming sighed slightly.

Two bottles of beer, that's how it looks.

Never let her touch alcohol in the future.

After saying the word back and forth so many times, he sighed, then turned around and turned his back to the little drunk.

About a few minutes later.

Lu Jingming didn't hear anything, he turned his head to see if the little drunk was okay.

Then he slapped and slapped his head again.

Lu Jingming, "..."

He stared blankly at the little roommate who looked very normal in front of him.

If it wasn't for him to know that she was really drunk.

He will now suspect that the little roommate is deliberately pretending to be drunk, and the purpose... is to beat him.

He raised his hand with a dark face, wanting to take the person into his arms, "Dear, go back first, it's cold outside."

The voice is gentle and outrageous, patiently, coaxing the little drunk.

Who knows, the little drunk gave him an indifferent look, "You turned your head to look at the nest again! You agreed not to turn around and look at the nest!"

The little drunk is righteous.

There is still pride in his eyes, as if saying: Look, I knew you would turn your head to look at the nest.

Lu Jingming, "..."

(end of this chapter)