Chapter 573: sorry i'm a girl (30)

Chapter 573 Sorry, I'm a Girl (30)

Lu Jingming was stunned because he was so angry that he lost half of his temper.

Be patient and try to coax her.

As a result, the little drunk just said the same thing over and over again.

"Turn around and don't look at the nest!"

He didn't even know that a drunk can be so stubborn...

There was no other way, Lu Jingming had no choice but to not look at her and stand quietly on the balcony.

after awhile.

Chacha saw that Lu Jingming was honest, so he walked into the bedroom, then found the clothes in the cabinet, and stumbled into the bathroom.


Lu Jingming could not hear any movement.

He frowned and turned around in a panic, the bedroom was empty.

"..." Where did the little drunk go?

He hurried over and turned around, for fear that something would happen to the little drunk.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

Lu Jingming's whole heart twitched.

He walked to the bathroom, knocked on the door, and shouted, "Chacha?"

Thinking of her unsteady pace and swaying appearance when she walked, he became more and more worried, for fear that the little drunk would fall inside...

After a while, Lu Jingming heard someone yell at him fiercely.

"Turn around, don't look at the nest!"

Lu Jingming, "..." This stalk, is it hard to pass?

What obsession does she have with him not allowing him to see her? ?

He flushed a glass of honey water with a dark face, and walked over to make the bed for her.

I thought in my heart that after ten minutes, if she didn't come out, he would force her in and drag her out...

Cha Cha took a shower and changed into pajamas.

I always feel... something is not right, but I can't remember it.

The inside of the small head melon seeds is like a lump of paste, and I can't figure it out.

She whimpered twice and walked out of the bathroom.

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Mixed feelings.

Host your corset...


It admires its host very much. He was so drunk that he didn't fall down in the bathroom?

And remember not to let Lu Jingming see it.

But...Unfortunately, the host's head is still a little difficult to use.

Forgot to wrap the corset...

It sighed and silently locked itself in the small dark room. It is not suitable for watching the next thing, it is better to pretend to be dead silently.

Lu Jingming, who was staring at the time solemnly, just planned to break into the bathroom.

He heard movement.

The little roommate came out of the bathroom in his pajamas.

The short hair was wet and sticking to the fair face.

He was stunned for a moment, there was still unwashed foam on his short hair.

sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart, and focused all her attention on the foam on her hair.

"Don't move, your hair hasn't been washed clean." Lu Jingming stood up and walked over, half hugging him in his arms.

"Why?" Cha Cha muttered.

Two claws pushed him restlessly, taking the opportunity, Lu Jingming poured her half a glass of honey water.

noticed that what was in the entrance was a little sweet and tasted good, she smashed it, smashed her mouth, held the cup herself, and drank a few more sips very quietly.

Lu Jingming was full of helplessness and took the person to the bathroom, "..."

In a trance, he realized one thing.

When the little drunk is talking, don't pay attention to her, maybe she will be quiet by herself.

If you talk to her, she will keep talking...

Like a child.

He grinned and washed the foam from her hair.

The little drunk is extraordinarily honest and nestled in his arms.


The little drunkard didn't praise him at all. Just after thinking about it, he felt that she was finally honest. The next second, the wet short hair rubbed against his arms, and all the water on his clothes.

(end of this chapter)