Chapter 574: sorry i'm a girl (31)

Chapter 574 Sorry, I'm a Girl (31)

Lu Jingming reached out and pressed her little head.

threatened, "If you move again, I will throw you from the balcony."

Cha Cha pouted, lowered his head, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Lu Jingming was very satisfied and took her out of the bathroom and helped her dry her hair.

He just put down what was in his hand.

saw the quiet little drunk, suddenly stood up and looked at him fiercely.

"You dare to throw me out??? I'll strangle you first!"

Too much, you don't want her anymore?

Lu Jingming, "..." Is your reaction too slow?

He softly tried to coax her.

Who knows, the little roommate really rushed towards him.

wrapped his hands around his neck, and slammed him onto the bed.

Controls Lu Jingming with an extremely favorable posture.

Lu Jingming moved tentatively.

Oh, although his hands were pinching at his neck, he didn't have any strength, and he didn't make a move, he was just pretending.

He sighed, "Did you sleep well? Don't make a fuss. If you wake up tomorrow, you will have a headache."

"Sleep? Okay, sleep." The little drunk crawled off him and rolled onto the bed.

Then he hugged the quilt and wrapped himself in a ball, revealing a small furry head, and looked at Lu Jingming with a soft and obedient look, "Sleep."

Lu Jingming looked confused.


Tossed around for so long.

Is this suddenly quiet?

He stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows, as expected, he couldn't argue with the little drunk.

Little drunks do things without any logic at all.

He got up and glanced at the little roommate wrapped in a ball again, and saw that she had indeed slept with her eyes closed and her breathing was very steady.

He then turned around and went to the bathroom.

But, he always felt that there was something that he ignored.

When he went into the bathroom to take a shower, he was rushing towards it, and suddenly remembered something.

"..." His face changed suddenly, and he took a quick shower.

put on pajamas and hurried out.

Then he saw the mess of the bedroom, as if it was a burglary. Things were thrown on the ground and slumped.

Only the little drunk was lying on the bed that was not attacked by her.

She was sitting on the bed wrapped in a small quilt.

When she saw Lu Jingming coming, she blinked, her moist eyes full of innocence.

When Lu Jingming was about to say something, he was stunned by her appearance, so cute and silently swallowed it back.

"..." You are soft, what you do is right!

You are cute, I don’t mind if you tear down your house.

It's just that the things I just thought of in the bathroom need to be confirmed.

He walked over slowly and rubbed her furry little head, "I'll watch you sleep, okay?"

Cha Cha tilted his head, "Okay."

She looked at the messy room again and whispered, "Don't you blame me?"

Lu Jingming's voice was gentle, "I can't bear it."

Cha Cha pouted, "Oh... I can't bear it, then you just said to throw me out..."

Lu Jingming, "I'm kidding you." He sighed, but he remembered this clearly, but she didn't remember it when she asked her to sleep obediently.

"Okay, then I'll tell you secretly, I was looking for something just now, but I couldn't find it after looking around..."

She lowered her head, the tip of her nose twitched, a little aggrieved.

Lu Jingming, "What are you looking for? I'll help you find it."

Chacha, "Wow, the candied haws are gone..."

"......" Didn't you finish eating the candied haws?

He sat next to her and said nonsense in a serious manner, "Candied gourd also sleeps. When you wake up, you will be able to see candied gourd."

Suddenly, the little drunkard's eyes brightened, "Okay!"

(end of this chapter)