Chapter 610: Villains please be gentle (21)

Chapter 610 The villain, please be gentle (21)

The youngest daughter has always had a good impression of Gu Qihuai.

Not only Xue Xinning knew about this, but she, as a mother, also knew it from the bottom of her heart.

Fortunately, this child has never done anything that crosses the line.

has not caused any trouble for Xinning.

But Gu Qihuai is already Xin Ning's fiancé, and will get married and have children in the future. Therefore, Mother Xue pondered that it would be better to let Cha Cha break the idea as soon as possible.

There are so many excellent men, why do you have to focus on Gu Qihuai?

For this matter, Chacha, who knows nothing, washes and changes clothes slowly.

woo, a little sleepy.

Cha Cha went downstairs while yawning.

She was so sleepy that she couldn't even make her smile at breakfast.

at this time.

The atmosphere in the living room is extremely awkward.

Xue Xinning did not expect that besides Gu Qihuai, Gu Qichen also came.

said he came to apologize to her.

But Xue Xinning shrank back subconsciously, she wasn't a little scared, she was really...

Gu Qichen didn't look like he was here to apologize at all, he was ferocious.

Next to   , Gu Qihuai stood beside him, as warm as jade, the two seemed to be two extremes.

Mother Xue and Father Xue did not expect Gu Qichen to appear.

After all, this behavior is a bit out of line.

Although Xue's father and Xue's mother have lived for most of their lives, in terms of momentum, they are still no match for Gu Qichen.

Even, he was frightened by Gu Qichen.

In other words, even if they were dissatisfied with Gu Qichen, even if Gu Qichen did something wrong, they would not dare to listen to Gu Qichen's apology.

is simply scaring people to death!

Xu could see that the Xue family were a little embarrassed and scared, Gu Qihuai said in a timely manner.

"Uncle and auntie, what happened yesterday made you embarrassed. I'm here today to talk about my wedding with Xinning, and secondly, to apologize to you with my eldest brother.

The incident at the engagement banquet was my fault. It was I who said something that I shouldn't have said, which made my eldest brother angry.

If you want to blame, blame me, it's all my fault. "

Gu Qihuai's voice was very soft, and he took the events of yesterday to himself every word.

However, when Xue's father, Xue's mother and Xue Xinning heard these words, they only thought that Gu Qichen was too unreasonable.

Smashed the engagement banquet of the younger brother, and asked the younger brother to take responsibility?

Alas, even if Gu Qichen could have the slightest gentleness of Gu Qihuai, he would probably have a place in the Gu Group.

Unfortunately, this temper...

is doomed to miss the Gu family and is also doomed to be unlikable.

Father Xue glanced at Mother Xue, took a step forward and said kindly, "Let's not talk about the past, let's talk about the wedding today, it's all a family, Qihuai, Qichen, come and sit together."

Father Xue thought he had given enough face.

And he was also afraid of accidentally offending Gu Qichen.

Even if he was still brooding about what happened yesterday, in front of Gu Qichen, he wouldn't say it.

What if Gu Qichen smashes the Xue family again?

This Buddha, it is better to leave the Xue family as soon as possible.

He never expected Gu Qichen to apologize to the Xue family... He only hoped that there would be fewer incidents in the future.

Cha Cha stood at the entrance of the stairs and heard these conversations clearly.

Qiqi whispered, [Chacha, don't panic, although everyone in the Xue family is afraid of Gu Qichen, but you can't be afraid of him! 】


This scene was actually seen by the host.

I don't know if Chacha will be angry or not. If Chacha gets angry and sticks a bully label on Gu Qichen, then it's over!

Although in the scene just now, Gu Qichen really acted like a bully...

One stop there, it scared the Xue family into a panic.

It's just that other bullies are bullying people with their power, and this bully Gu Qichen... is bullying people with his aura.

(end of this chapter)