Chapter 611: Villains please be gentle (22)

Chapter 611 The villain, please be gentle (22)

Chacha was a little confused when he heard Qiqi's words.

"Qiqi, why do you think so? Why should I be afraid of him?"

77, 【? ? ? 】

Chacha, "Don't you think that Gu Qichen is like this is a way to protect himself? If he looks so fierce, no one will bully him casually."

How nice!

Save some messy people coming over to bully him.

Moreover, she couldn't be as afraid of Gu Qichen as the Xue family.

Because she knew that Gu Qichen also looked fierce.

Oh, and when it comes to smashing things, it's pretty fierce.

Other times, it's probably quite mild?

Thinking so, Cha Cha has already walked over, her goal is obvious, she is walking in the direction of Gu Qichen.

Before the people from the Xue family could react, Cha Cha had already walked over to Gu Qichen and sat down on his right.

Xue's father and Xue's mother were startled.

Mother Xue called her subconsciously, "Chacha! Don't be ridiculous, come here!"

What if Gu Qichen was injured?

Gu Family, when you do it, it doesn't matter if the other party is a man or a woman...

Chacha shook his head at Mother Xue, "It's pretty good here!"

Hey, next to Gu Qichen, you can get in touch with your feelings.

The little girl looked innocent and cute, obedient and soft, all the eyes of the three Xue family fell on her, and even Gu Qihuai glanced in her direction.

Immediately, he looked at Gu Qichen again, thoughtfully.

His eldest brother didn't push anyone away?

What a strange thing.

In the past, most of the girls who approached Gu Qichen didn't end well.

This time, there is someone who is bold?

He looked at Xue Xinning curiously, as if asking with his eyes, what's the situation?

Xue Xinning shook her head.

She didn't know what happened to the two.

As for yesterday's crash and seeing two people sitting in the same car, Xue Xinning didn't dare to tell her father and mother Xue.

Drunk and crashing, you will be scolded.

She didn't want to hear her father and mother's reprimands at such a time.

Chacha tilted his head, looked at Gu Qichen beside him with frowning eyes, then leaned over and whispered, "Why didn't you tell me when you came?"

Gu Qichen raised his eyebrows and said softly.

"Guess you didn't wake up so soon, didn't tell you."

Sure enough, he arrived at Xue's house and waited for a long time before he saw her.

Chacha, "..." is amazing, I guessed it all.

She really just finished taking a shower.

The two chatted without a word, and they looked very familiar.

Father Xue and Mother Xue looked at each other in astonishment.

Father Xue: Why is my daughter so familiar with him?

Mother Xue: Don't ask me, I don't know.

Father Xue: Why don't you know?

Mother Xue: ...why would I know?

The two exchanged eye contact for a while.

did not communicate any answers.

Gu Qihuai always looked at Xue Xinning next to Mother Xue with a gentle expression, as if she was in his heart.

stunned to see Xue Xinning blushing, and bowed her head a little embarrassedly.

In the end, it was Gu Qihuai who broke the strange situation.

He said, "I didn't expect that eldest brother and Second Miss Xue have such a good relationship?"

It's so good that the two directly ignored the rest of the living room.

Hearing Gu Qihuai's voice, Gu Qichen was silent for a few seconds.

Cha Cha took the lead in answering, "Is the relationship good, is it your turn to take care of it?"

This person looks hypocritical.

is obviously a big man, but when he is hypocritical, he looks like a white lotus flower.

And the first time she saw him, she didn't like him very much!

Oh yeah, wait, what's this guy's name?

Gu Qihuai?

The one who stole Gu Qichen's luck.

(end of this chapter)