Chapter 612: Villains please be gentle (23)

Chapter 612 The villain, please be gentle (23)

Cha Cha's expression changed, and he stared at Gu Qihuai fiercely.

With big round eyes, he can't wait to stare at people directly.

Gu Qihuai felt a chill on his body inexplicably, the chill rising from his back to the soles of his feet.

He was a little puzzled.

I remember that in the past, the second young lady of the Xue family had a very gentle attitude towards him.

Indistinctly, there is still a bit of admiration for him.

Every time he came to Xue's house, her small eyes couldn't hide her affection at all.

However, if he wanted to get engaged to Xue Xinning, he naturally pretended not to know.

It's just this little girl, why is she suddenly so hostile to him today?

He was a little puzzled and couldn't help but glance at it.

Father Xue immediately settled the matter, "Chacha, why are you talking to your brother-in-law? This is not allowed in the future."

Cha Cha, "..." Brother-in-law?

Then we have to marry Xue Xinning first.

Will the wedding of these two be successful? Not sure!

Gu Qihuai's look at Chacha fell into Xue Xinning's eyes, but it had a different meaning.

Xue Xinning always knew that her younger sister had a good impression of Gu Qihuai. The two grew up together. Every time her younger sister saw Gu Qihuai, she was shy and didn't dare to look up...

The words "Gu Qihuai, I like you" were written on his face.

Gu Qihuai may or may not know.

After all, he never responded, and he never had any other thoughts about his sister, so she didn't care about her sister who was not a threat to her.

But now...

Gu Qihuai has looked in the direction of Chacha more than once.

This made her dislike it very much!

She frowned and glanced at Cha Cha, which looked rather fierce.

Is it possible to change the way?

Deliberately showing this look to attract Gu Qihuai's attention?

It looks like it was a success.

In Xue Xinning's view.

Gu Qihuai's puzzled eyes clearly showed curiosity about Chacha.

And Chacha's fierce eyes were clearly aimed at attracting Gu Qihuai's attention.

and Gu Qichen next to Cha Cha...

Heh, maybe he is conspiring with Cha Cha.


Xue Xinning silently made up such a situation in her mind.

Chacha cooperated with Gu Qichen in order to separate her from Gu Qihuai, so that Chacha could take the opportunity to attack Gu Qihuai, and Gu Qichen could also take this opportunity to get involved with her.

Thinking of this, Xue Xinning immediately got up and sat next to Gu Qihuai.

Her large movements were a bit abrupt in the quiet living room.

Father Xue and Mother Xue looked at her at the same time.

Mother Xue took the lead and said with a smile, "Don't you want to discuss the wedding? It just so happens that the two of you have a good discussion together. The wedding is your young people's business, so the two of us, the elderly, will not get involved. You should discuss it first and wait for a while. Let's have breakfast together."

Cha Cha slowly retracted his fierce gaze.

quickly looked at Gu Qichen with a well-behaved face.

She reached out and tugged at Gu Qichen's sleeve and whispered, "Then let's go too!"

Leave the living room to Gu Qihuai and Xue Xinning.

Chacha thinks his voice is very small.

But the distance between several people is not too far.

As soon as she said these words, the eyes of several people fell on her.


This is too familiar, right?

Several people thought at the same time.

Cha Cha blinked, looked at Xue's father and Xue's mother, and silently took back the hand that was pulling Gu Qichen's sleeve.

The pretty face is full of cuteness and cuteness.

Father Xue, Mother Xue, "..."

Don't think that you are really cute!

How can a girl from a family do anything to a man!

(end of this chapter)