Chapter 621: Villains please be gentle (32)

Chapter 621 The villain, please be gentle (32)

did not wait for Chacha to issue a complaint.

Gu Qichen let go of her hand very honestly, and then helped her organize her clothes.

chacha, “…”

I don't know if it's her illusion.

always felt that Gu Qichen was very gentle tonight.

Gu Qichen was in a complicated mood.

It's not that he is restless, he just feels that the place is not suitable.

This is the Xue family.

His little cutie has spent a lot of thought these days, in order to make him a good impression in front of Xue's father and Xue's mother.

In this case, he must follow the rules.

Don't let the hard work of the little cutie be in vain.

So, just bear with it.

He reached out and rubbed the little girl's hair.

"Good boy, go to bed early, I'll take you back to your room tomorrow morning."

Before Xue's father and Xue's mother woke up, he would send people back unconsciously.

Cha Cha yawned and nodded, "Mmmm."

She tugged at the quilt, tilted her head, and began to sleep with her eyes closed.

Before closing his eyes, Cha Cha felt in a trance that something was wrong.

However, Gu Qichen was so gentle that she lost her eyes and forgot about it, and she forgot to think about it.

As for Gu Qichen.

He looked at the little cutie with a quiet and well-behaved sleeping face.

His eyes were full of smiles.

I didn’t expect that a visit to Xue’s house would bring so many benefits.

Even Little Cutie herself didn't realize there was something wrong with the conversation just now.

Hey, he must stay by her side every day in the future, otherwise, the little cutie will be easily abducted.

After all, she didn't realize one thing until she fell asleep.

They are going to share a bed tonight!

and cute, no problem at all.

Goofy little cutie.

So coaxing and abducting.

He shook his head, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and his dark eyes were also full of light.

Under the fine light.

Gu Qichen stared at her for a long time.

It wasn't until he felt sleepy that he got up and turned off the light, and then he lay down next to her carefully, for fear of waking her up.

That night, Gu Qichen didn't sleep much.

Little Cutie was lying beside him, his mood was agitated, complicated, and mixed with various emotions.

And the most terrible thing is that the little cutie is not very honest when she sleeps.

tossing, bouncing back and forth.

Every now and then, a small hand would fall on him.

Every now and then, his calf would fall on him without warning.

Gu Qichen, "..."

Alas, I suddenly felt that it was a torture to lie beside the little cutie.

For him, it is not only a kind of torture physically, but also a kind of torture mentally.

He sighed silently.

Until the day dawned.

He got up slowly, counting the time, Xue's father and Xue's mother should not have gotten up yet.

Take advantage of this time and send the person back to her room.

Gu Qichen leaned close to Chacha's ear and whispered, "Chacha?"

The little cutie in her sleep, "..."

not only ignored him, but also turned over, leaving the back of his head for him.

Gu Qichen looked at the people beside him, dumbfounded.

Finally, unable to hold back, he lowered his head and bit her lips lightly.

is considered a little interest.

After all, he was so miserable...

Seeing that the little girl was sleeping soundly and it was getting late, Gu Qichen sighed and hugged him.

He slowed down and walked to her room with someone in his arms.

Secretly said in his heart: Before Xue's father and Xue's mother wake up, they must be sent back, and he will also return to the guest room.


God seemed to be against him.

When he was about to walk to the tea room, Gu Qichen paused and looked at Father Xue, who was also confused.

The two looked at each other, embarrassed.

Father Xue looked at the person in Gu Qichen's arms in shock.

Oh, his daughter!

Tsk, suddenly my blood pressure is a little high.

This excitement, he can't bear it...

(end of this chapter)