Chapter 622: Villains please be gentle (33)

Chapter 622 The villain, please be gentle (33)

Rao is Gu Qichen's thick-skinned and a little embarrassed at the moment.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping little girl in his arms.

looked up at Father Xue not far away.


For a while, the atmosphere became even more awkward.

for a long time.

Father Xue yawned and silently turned back to his room.

Hey, he just pretended not to see it.

What can I do?

What else can I do?

It was obvious that his good daughter took the initiative, he couldn't get mad on the spot and make her good daughter look ugly...

Father Xue touched his heart, thinking that after raising him for so many years, Shui Lingling's youngest daughter would also be abducted, and he became more and more heartbroken.

The two daughters were kidnapped by the Gu family?

It's over, I'm even more heartbroken...

Gu Qichen looked at the figure of Father Xue's departure, inexplicably relieved, and hurriedly sent the person back.

Fortunately, it wasn't Mother Xue who I met.

If Mother Xue...

It is estimated that the sky will be turned upside down.

He sighed slightly, tucked the quilt, and walked out of Chacha's room.


Cha Cha woke up and went downstairs after washing up.

The round eyes swept around the living room, but did not find anyone.

Xue Xinning glanced at her and said, "Don't look for it, he just left."

"Let's go? Why don't you stay for dinner?" Cha Cha scratched her hair, a little puzzled.

Last night, wasn't it okay?

In the early morning, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to leave after dinner?

Xue Xinning said calmly, "If you want to know the answer to this question, you need to ask him yourself." I don't know why he walked so fast...

She got up from the sofa, dropped the sentence, and went into the dining room.

Cha Cha tilted his head and thought for a moment, "???"

Forget it, let’s have breakfast first.

When he comes next time, she will ask him again.

When Cha Cha sat down, she found something in shock.

Father Xue kept staring at her with complicated eyes...

After Father Xue cast a complicated and subtle look at her for the nth time, Cha Cha put down his chopsticks and looked at him suspiciously, "Is there something on my face?"

Father Xue, "...No."

Chacha was even more puzzled, "Then why do you keep staring at me?"

Hearing this, Father Xue snorted coldly. Did he ask her in front of several people why she ran to Gu Qichen last night?

He couldn't ask that.

He put down his chopsticks a little depressed, got up and left.

Like a tantrum child.

I'm not happy, but I don't want to say it.

Cha Cha, "..." with a confused look on his face.

She looked at Mother Xue blankly, and Mother Xue shook her head blankly, indicating that she didn't know what happened to Father Xue.

The older I get, the more unpredictable the things I do.

Mother Xue sighed again and again.

Xue Xinning, who had been silent all this time, glanced at the food on the table, but felt that it was boring, and slowly put down her chopsticks.

Cha Cha stretched out his little hand and picked up the chopsticks silently, "..." Although I don't know what happened to you, I won't have trouble with breakfast.

Mother Xue became more and more depressed when she saw her heartless appearance.

The youngest daughter is still a child.

Even though she said that she didn't care about Cha Cha and Gu Qichen for the time being, she couldn't help but worry.

Seeing Xue Xinning get up and leave, Mother Xue thought for a while, and hurriedly followed, intending to have a good talk.


【Chacha, you are the only one having breakfast. 】 Qiqi said enviously.

All the breakfasts at one table fell into Cha Cha's eyes.

So happy.

Chacha, "Qiqi, you have to work hard and climb out. When you climb out, I can take you to eat together!"

Qiqi, […I, I continue to work hard. 】

Try to crawl out early.

Although I don't know if I have the chance to climb out, I still have to have a dream.

(end of this chapter)