Chapter 648: Villains please be gentle (59)

Chapter 648 The villain, please be gentle (59)

Cha Cha was a little speechless.

She felt that she had seen how shameless Gu Qihuai was.

The skin is actually much thicker than she imagined.

I don't know how Xue Xinning and Xue Cha could see him at the same time.

Eyes are really hard to use.

She took a step back and looked at Gu Qihuai coldly. It was obvious that her patience had been wasted, and she didn't want to say a single extra sentence.

"You are so annoying! Are you going to let it go?"

Gu Qihuai shook his head and wanted to reach for Chacha.

Cha Cha's face turned black, and he kicked the person to the ground.

The movement of    immediately alerted other guests.

Some people watch the play and some people are astonished.

Chacha, "Talking to you is a waste of my time!" I thought I could say anything of value, but it turned out to be all nonsense.

She left with a dark face, without even looking at Gu Qihuai on the ground.

On the other hand, Gu Qihuai got up from the ground with a smile in his eyes, without any intention of being angry.

He turned and left the cafe. Soon, another person came out of the cafe and handed him the camera in his hand. Gu Qihuai was very satisfied with the photos in the camera.

No matter what happened during this period, the photo he wanted has been obtained.

When Cha Cha returned to Gu Qichen's office, he was still a little speechless.

Have a pit in your brain?

She hummed and leaned into Gu Qichen's arms, rubbed in dissatisfaction, and complained softly as she rubbed.

Gu Qichen keenly captured a name - Gu Qihuai.

"You went to see Gu Qihuai?"

His dark eyes were no longer calm, and the corners of his smiling lips pursed into a straight line.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, and soon realized something.

She suddenly felt guilty.

Before he became irritable, he kissed him on the cheek a few times before continuing to say clearly what happened in the cafe just now.

Gu Qichen stared coldly at the little cutie in his arms.

"Oh, so you used to peek at him often?"

's beautiful eyes exuded a strong danger, and even his voice was a little cold.

Chacha, "..." Well, I can't say that the person from before is not me?

That's horrible.

Seeing that Gu Qichen was obviously unhappy.

She leaned over aggrievedly and took the initiative to let Gu Qichen bully for a while.

Cha Cha nest is in Gu Qichen's arms, with moist eyes wide open, a look of being bullied badly.

But, someone still didn't let her go.

Leng said in his ear that he liked him over and over again.

The danger in Gu Qichen's eyes was a little less.

chacha, “…”

Don't let her meet Gu Qihuai again, or she promises that she will beat Gu Qihuai all over the place to find his teeth.


At this moment, his senses returned, and Cha Cha also began to think about it.

Gu Qihuai's appointment to meet her is definitely not a good thing.

Maybe he will make a fuss about the meeting at the cafe.

She had to kiss Gu Qichen on the cheek again, rubbing against him as obediently as she could.

"I was wrong."


"You said, will Gu Qihuai send you an anonymous letter and then accuse me of having an affair with him?" Cha Cha suddenly opened his mind.

Gu Qichen's face darkened and he glared at her fiercely.

"Don't mention his name!" And what's the mess?

Chacha nodded, but felt that her thoughts were very likely to appear. She poked Gu Qichen's tensed handsome face, "I think it's really possible! He's so shameless, he can do anything..."

Gu Qichen clasped the person in his arms, and said in an emotionless tone, "He will not post anonymously, he will personally stimulate me with your photos."

No one is better at deliberately provoking him than Gu Qihuai.

(end of this chapter)