Chapter 649: Villains please be gentle (60)

Chapter 649 The villain, please be gentle (60)

Chacha felt even more guilty when he heard Gu Qichen's words.

I knew she would not go to see Gu Qihuai.

It's better now, it actually gave Gu Qihuai a chance to stimulate Gu Qichen.

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

A little girl who is usually in good spirits, nestled in Gu Qichen's arms.

Gu Qichen noticed her mood changes.

rubbed her furry little head in distress.

"Damn, he can't stimulate me now, not to mention, you have told me in advance.

Even if he really came over with the photo, I'm not afraid. Would you like to make sweet and sour pork ribs for you at night? Um? Then add sweet and sour fish?

not talking? If you don't speak, then I'll assume you don't like eating! Then don't do it..."

The voice of    just fell.

The little girl in his arms came out, humming and shaking his arms.

"Like, like, like..."

Soft voice that sounds sweeter than marshmallows.

"Oh, then do you like me or the food I cook?"

"Of course I like you! No one can compare to you! I like you the most!"



Chacha was worried that Gu Qihuai would stimulate Gu Qichen.

Who would have thought, there was no movement for a few days.

This made her suspicious.

Could it be that Gu Qihuai is brewing other plans?

But she has already explained to Gu Qichen, Gu Qihuai is not a fool, can have such an important position in the Gu Group, can't she guess that she will say hello to Gu Qichen in advance?


What trump card does Gu Qihuai have that she doesn't know?

Cha Cha suddenly felt a little uneasy.

She herself has no contact with Gu Qihuai.

But what about the original owner?

What did the original owner do before, she doesn't know!

If the original owner did something and fell into Gu Qihuai's hands, wouldn't that be cool?

She can't explain it to Gu Qichen now...

Ow, I don't know what I did, how to explain it? ? ?


Cha Cha hasn't had time to think about it.

received news from Father Xue that there was an important charity party in the evening.

Many people will come over, let her prepare with Gu Qichen and go see it together.

Chacha subconsciously asked, "Will Gu Qihuai also go?"

Father Xue was a little surprised, "Why did you remember to ask him? But this kind of party, Gu Qihuai has never missed it, and it has always been the most dazzling presence."

"Okay, I get it now."

Cha Cha hung up the phone, and her pretty smile was full of displeasure.

I was waiting here!

Want to stimulate Gu Qichen at the charity dinner?

And then let Gu Qichen go crazy in front of countless people.

Mr. Gu will also be disappointed with Gu Qichen again... Even Father Xue, who has always believed in him, will be disappointed.

After that, Gu Qichen may not be able to turn over again.

Ah! Really cruel.

A flash of blood quickly flashed in his black and white eyes.

Qiqi was stunned, panicked and confused.

【Chacha, don't think about it! Everything is easy to solve, but you can't kill people...]

Chacha, "Silly Qiqi, don't talk."

She is not a fool.

Why do you have to get your hands dirty because Gu Qihuai is such a scumbag?

Besides, she is a good child.

A good child needs to be gentle and friendly, so how can the word 'kill' be mentioned at every turn?

Seven-seven, […] a little panicked.

I always feel that Chacha is going to play big.

However, Gu Qihuai deserves it and can't blame others.

How dare you use tea to stimulate Gu Qichen?

Tsk, it put some wax on Gu Qihuai first!

In the evening, waiting to watch the play.

(end of this chapter)