Chapter 651: Villains please be gentle (62)

Chapter 651 The villain, please be gentle (62)

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Gu Qihuai and blinked.

Not only that, but also showed him a particularly sweet smile.

"It is impossible to regret regret."

Want to stimulate Gu Qichen tonight?

Oh, sorry, she will solve the problem directly at the root, and will not give him a chance.

Gu Qihuai smiled gently.

"Don't regret it?

It looks like he was talking to me about the cafe last time.

Don't worry, I didn't tell Gu Qichen.

didn't intend to irritate him about the cafe.

You are indeed smarter than your sister.


You said, if Gu Qichen saw us together, could you still explain it clearly? And you took the initiative to date me. "

He laughed sarcastically.

He had already figured out what happened at the cafe last time.

That is just a foreshadowing.

What he wanted was Cha Cha and couldn't help taking the initiative to ask him out at the party.

So, girls should not be too smart.

To be too smart will make you mistake yourself.

Does she think she can solve the matter by looking for him?


Even if you are smart, what can you do?

I have never seen cruelty in calculations.

Chacha's pupils shrank and quickly understood what he meant.

"So this is your calculation?"

Gu Qihuai, "Yeah! I think Gu Qichen should come over soon.

Chacha, how to say, you liked me before, why don't you stay with me in the future, I now find that you are more interesting than your sister. "

Why didn't you find it before?

Tsk, if the little girl was a little bolder in the past, maybe he and Chacha are the ones who are going to get married now.

The smile on Cha Cha's face is getting deeper and sweeter.

"It's a coincidence, I just found out now that you are more stupid than I thought. Do you think I'm here to discuss with you not to stimulate Gu Qichen?"

Gu Qihuai thought he was winning, his eyes were full of smiles, "Isn't it?"

Cha Cha tilted his little head and retorted like a little angel, "Of course not! Because there is an easier way."

As soon as the soft voice fell, Gu Qihuai's eyes suddenly turned black.

He fell dizzy to the ground.

His eyes were full of incredible.

how is this possible?

How dare she attack him?

Do not!


Chacha glanced at Gu Qihuai, who had not fainted on the ground, and was slightly stunned.

Oh, it seems that the strength is a little less.

It's ok.

Let’s fight first.

Cha Cha didn't say a word, he was kicking the people on the ground so fast.

Gu Qihuai, "..."

Depend on!

Why you look like a little angel, how did you act like a little devil?

Gu Qihuai subconsciously wanted to call someone in pain, but before he could shout, his head hurt again, and the whole person passed out.

Before    fell into a coma, he vaguely saw the fierce appearance of the little girl.

Cha Cha glanced around very calmly.

Make sure no one is there.

She took out Gu Qihuai's cell phone, deleted the text message she just sent to him, and even deleted the text message he sent her with him.

She flipped through it, and she really saw the message Gu Qihuai sent to Gu Qichen.

Chacha silently glanced at the person on the ground.

really knows how to calculate.

She thought about it for a while, and felt that it was inappropriate to just delete the message.

turned off the phone and put it in her pocket.

Well, she has a small space in her pocket, and no one can find it!

Immediately afterwards, Chacha dragged the person into the warehouse neatly, and found a rope to tie Gu Qihuai. After doing all this, she cleaned up the excess traces before stepping out of the warehouse.

closed the door and locked the person in the warehouse.

A whole set of actions is completed like a cloud and flowing water, as if it has been practiced many times.

Qiqi was stunned.

The host is too cruel!

(end of this chapter)